Maybe then he'd like him just as much

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A/N: This is kinda short, but it's okay. Also Deadpool is eighteen in this one, and Peters sixteen.

Also, can we have a round of applause for Harry Styles just existing.


Wade slowly crawled out of his window, climbing up to the roof where Spiderman always was at this time of day.

6:00 o'clock sharp. And then Peter would always stay until the sun set.

Ever since Peter started coming their Wade had made sure to bring food for Peter, usually chimichangas or other tex-mex food.

Wade would never admit it, but he really enjoyed their hour or so that they spent together.

Peter was just so perfect. His doe brown eyes with the little flecks of gold, the way his smile was slightly crooked, how he was always excited about something new every day.

He was everything.

And, it was crazy, but Wade thought, maybe, just maybe, Peter liked him back.

I mean, why else would Peter come watch the sunset with him every day?!

"Hey Spidey! Why so giddy?" Wade said sitting down next to Peter, handing him a chimichanga.

"Today's my six month anniversary with my girlfriend, MJ and I have the cutest date for us!"

Wades heart might have just physically stopped.

Maybe, maybe, Peter came to watch the sunset, and Wade just happened to be there...

He had been stabbed, shot, beat up, but nothing hurt as much as what Peter just said.

"O-Oh. That's awesome... What are you two doing?" Wade said, trying to sound like he was okay.

He wasn't.

He really liked Peter. Like, like like.

Everything about him was perfect.

"I'm taking her to this festival of lanterns, it's so cool, just like in Tangled kinda, don't you think?" Peter said excitedly.

"What- oh, yeah, I guess you're her flynn rider." Wade said, snapped out of his deep thought.

Peter laughed a little.

Of course now Wade had to notice how perfect Peter's laugh was.

"Well, she's like, not into gender rolls, which is so cool, don't you think?! And she's super good at drawing too, once she drew this..."

Wade wasn't really listening anymore. He watched how happy Peter seemed. He had barely touched his food because he was talking so much.

Before Wade knew it, Peter was snapping him back into reality. Again.

"Wade? Wade!"

"Oh, yeah?"

"I'm gonna head out, I should be getting ready for the date-"

"You're not staying for the sunset?" Wade asked, failing at hiding his hurt.

Peter softened, "Oh, uh, well, I didn't think you mind- to make it up to you, how about tomorrow I can get you your favorite food when I come over?"

Wade smiled and nodded, "Yeah, yeah, it's totally fine, I've actually got some things to do..."

Peter burst back into a smile, "Awesome, thanks!"

And with that Peter was off, swinging away.

Wade watched as Peter left him alone. He noticed Peter never touched the chimichanga he had gotten him.

Wade watched the sunset alone, only thinking about how desperately he wished he could be just like MJ, then maybe Peter would want him just as much.

Eventually, the sun set, and Wade was unsure as to why he was still sitting out there.

A few minutes passed when suddenly Wade began to see small glowing lights in the sky.

No, they weren't stars, they were something different...

That's when he realized.

They were lanterns.


Later my Gators 🐊

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