When you hit rock bottom

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A/N: I thought of this while listening to the song 'last letter.' if you need a song for reference.

Peter sat on the edge of the building he was atop of.

Who knew he could reach an all time low at the ripe age of 23.

He hadn't shaved in days. The last time he slept at night, he couldn't remember. He didn't eat. He hadn't been to his classes for weeks. His apartment was littered with take out boxes.

Tony-his hero, his mentor, his new found farther, was dead.

With his real dad and mom, it was different. He only had a few memories of them. He was only six. Even with his uncle, it was different. He had known him for six years before he died.

He had known Tony for eleven years. He remembered the first time he had a nightmare about his first fight as a superhero at the tower.

He woke up screaming and thrashing around, but Tony was right there, in less than a minute.

He stayed there with him all night.

Peter let a tear slip, "I- I miss you. I try not to, but I do. I miss you so much."

Peter broke down, and just started crying.

The hot tears seemed never ending.


Peter turned around. It was Pepper.

She looked concerned, sad, tired.

She didn't say anything else after seeing Peters tired, tear stained face.

She just sat down, and hugged him close, "I miss him too. Just don't forget, you aren't alone."

A minute later, Natasha was on the roof, "Hey guys." You could see the hurt in her face as well, but she still smiled, seeing Peter.

Peter patted the spot next to him.

Natasha say down and hugged Peter closer.

Next Thor came.

Then Rhodes.

And Bruce.





And they all say there hugging Peter, watching as the sun set.

They didn't say anything. They just sat, holding each other close.

"Thank you."

Later my Gators 🐊

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