Chapter Eleven: Tensions Rise

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Your POV

"(Y/n), really. It's not a big deal," Jake yells after me as I speed into the living room. He walks in behind me, followed by Emmett, Edward, and Jasper. Carlisle and Esme went to hunt. I stop in my tracks and turn towards him, about to explode with emotions.

"Not a big deal? Not a big deal?! Jake, you imprinted on me! How is that not a big deal? If I refuse you, you could die!" Venom pools in my eyes but never falls, only angering me more.

How could I not be upset? Here I am, attached by the soul to my childhood bestfriend, while also loving the three other boys in the room. What do I do? How could I not have a choice? This just isn't fair! I love Jake but I've never loved him like that. Not that I couldn't. Ugh. I just wish this was my decision to make.

"It is."

I look up at Edward who is now standing next to Jake. I furrow my brow and take a step towards them.

"What do you mean?"

Edward reaches a hand up and sits it on Jake's shoulder. He gives him a small, reassuring smile and nods his head. Jake takes in a deep breath and looks up at me. He gestures for me to sit and I do as he says. He nervously rubs his hands together and takes in another shaky breath.

Edward walks over and sinks on the sofa and Jasper follows but sits on the edge. Emmett possessively stalks over and stands next to the chair I'm sitting in and crosses his arms. Jake cautiously glances at him before reverting is eyes back to me.

"Yes, imprinting does bring the possibility of me dying bu-" I stand up and wave my arms while shaking my head. My abrupt action causes Emmett to jolt in front of me protectively.

"No. No way. I'm not letting you die."

"Please just let me finish." He stares at me with a pleading look in his eyes. A wave of calmness washes over me as I stare at Jake. I huff and sit back down in my seat. Emmett slowly slinks back to me, never taking his eyes off Jake. I let out a sharp exhale and look back up at him, nodding my head for him to continue.

"When a wolf imprints on someone, they are internally bonded. Forever. Nothing can break that bond, well, for the most part. The wolf itself is unable to ever forget them or leave them. When imprints refuse to be with the wolf who imprinted on them, it damages the wolf extensively. Most of the time, to the point of death. If you reject me, I could die. But only if you have no other mate. If the person the wolf imprints on has another mate and rejects the wolf, the bonds are broken so the wolf can imprint again. They forget the bond they have with the person and forget the love they felt for them. Wolves can feel if their imprint has another mate and I can feel that you do, (Y/n). Therefore, you have a choice."

I stare at Jake and he stares back. He scratches the back of his neck nervously. He looks down and shoves his hands in his jeans pockets.

"I'm sorry. I know it's a lot to take i-"

I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck. A few dry cries escape my throat as a smile spreads across my face. Jake stands shocked as I hold onto him tighter.

"I'm so happy I'm not going to lose you."

Jake chuckles and wraps his arms around me, lifting my feet off the ground as he does so. He strokes my hair with one hand while holding onto me with the other.

"You never have to lose me again," he says, joy lingering in his voice.

A quiet growl erupts from behind me, causing me to lift my head off of Jake's shoulder. He sits me down and I turn around to find a very tense Emmett. I laugh and shake my head, taking a few steps towards him.

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