Chapter Thirteen: Dark Secret

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Your POV

"Ugh, for the second time in history we have the entire house to ourselves and all you guys want to do is lay around all day," I groan as I hang my head off the side of the couch.

I mean, come on. It's noon already. No parents. No rules. Just the five of us with no plans. I thought vacation was supposed to be fun.

"Well what do you expect us to do. It's not like we can throw a party or anything," Emmett retorts while rolling his eyes.

A party? Why didn't I think of that. Now that sounds like some fun. Let me just whip up a quick guest list and-

"Nope. No way. Don't even think about it," Edward interjects, crushing my dreams.

As always.

"Ugh, come on Edward. It's not like it's going to kill you to let loose a little." I playfully stick out my tongue at him as he rolls his eyes.

"It's not me I'm worried about getting killed," he replies while shooting a glare at Jasper, who places his hands on his chest and gasps in shock.

"Oh please. That was one high school party 30 years ago. Besides you can't blame me for that. That girl was practically begging me to do it," Jasper replies while waving Edward away dismissively.

"Yeah, if you count flirting as an invitation to drain the life out of somebody," Emmett mumbles under his breath, resulting in a laugh and high five from Jake. The two of them have, luckily, started getting along.

I walk over to Edward's chair and kneel in front of him, showing him the best puppy dog eyes I can pull off. I lace my fingers together and place them under my chin while sticking out my bottom lip.

"Pretty please Eddy, I promise to behave myself. I pinky promise. It'll only be a few friends, I swear."

He stares at me for a few moments, no doubt searching through my thoughts, trying to find the tiniest inkling of a lie. I tilt my head to the side and make venom pool in my eyes, knowing it will seal the deal.

"Fine, (Y/n)! You win! But if you kill someone, the blood's on your hands," Edward groans while running a hand down his face.

A mischievous smile spreads across my lips as I slyly stand up from the ground. I send a devilish look towards Edward before turning to the other three boys, who all look slightly shocked that I was able to persuade him.

"Well boys, looks like we have a party to get ready for."


"Okay but are you sure alcohol is really a good idea?" Jake asks as he sits the six packs onto the counter.

"Please. The only people I would even be remotely worried about being intoxicated are the wolves. And fortunately for us, you mutts burn alcohol just as fast as we do."

Jake chuckles and nods as he walks out the kitchen door. "Good point."

I pull out the remainder of the snacks and sit them all on the large island in the middle of the kitchen. I see the sun set through the window and turn to the clock to check the time.


Just enough time to change for the party.

I speed up to my room and shut the door. As I walk to the closet I laugh, thinking about how Edward is totally going to freak tonight. I pull out a pair of light washed cut off shorts and a black tank top. I throw them on and apply a little makeup to my already perfectly sculpted face.

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