Chapter Nineteen: Perfect

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But that was two years ago.

A lot has changed since the day the Volturi visited me. The day my rare gift was discovered by the three most powerful beings alive. The day I locked eyes with a raven hair boy. The day I found out our souls were bound for all eternity. The day I was accepted as an honorary member of the guard. The day I moved out of the Cullen household.

Hold on, I know what you're thinking.

"How could you?"

"They're your bestfriends!"

"You just dropped them?"

But I merely said I moved out of the Cullen house. Not that I moved out of Forks.

Alec and I have a home here now. Well, a temporary one that is. Our permanent home resides in Volterra. Along with the rest of the guard. We come to our real home every chance we get.

I can tell Alec feels more at home when we're in Volterra. It feels more natural to him. Being surrounded by other gifted vampires. Especially his sister. Who finally likes me now.

For me, adjusting to the guard was difficult. Fitting into their lifestyle. The choices they make. Having to use my gift.

When I sang to the victims I had to feel what they felt. I had to see that they were trusting me, knowing I was merely entrancing them so Felix and Demetri could tear them to shreds. It was a hard thing to stomach. But it is much better now. The vampires I do that to are people who deserve it. Criminals. Murderers. Exploiters. I do what I have to do to keep vampires existence a secret.

Which means I highly favor living in Forks. Where my family is.

They're all still the same.

Emmett is still as goofy as ever. A playful smirk always resting on his gentle face. His cockiness never wavering, even for a mere second. His wise cracking jokes, he still never fails to make.

Edward is still strict. I doubt that'll ever change. He's finally breaking through the barrier though. Becoming more social, I mean. And he's trying to stay out of people's heads. Especially mine.

Jasper is still a southern gentleman. As charming as ever. He still refuses to call me anything but ma'am. He's gotten a bit wild though. Using his power a little too often. I think he likes to make people feel the things he can't.

Carlisle is as kind as ever. He makes sure to see me every time I come back home. His fatherly instincts are very strong with me. I figure it's cause I'm his only girl. I hope he never changes. And that he never stops seeing me as his daughter.

Esme is still my mother. Even though she sees herself as my sister sometimes. She's still trying to throw me into designer clothes. Which I'm actually starting to like since becoming a part of the Volturi. Appearance is everything with them.

And Jake, well, Jake's gone. I haven't seen him since the night we told him. He didn't take it well. He phased on me, nearly biting my hand off. I imagine he's somewhere in Canada right about now. All I know is that wherever he is, I hope he comes back soon.

Meanwhile, I had my own struggles to deal with.

Trying to get Alec adjusted to a non human diet, at least when we were in Forks, was hard. Trying to get me converted to a part human diet was just as bad. But somehow, it managed to work. In Volterra we drink humans. At our home we drink animals.

The only downfall is our eyes. Instead of Alec's being blood red and mine being light gold, they turned constantly. It was hard to explain to the people who saw me daily.

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