ON WHATEVER: Alpha Author and the Beta Reader

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A beta reader is someone who reads your story and tells you what sucks and what doesn't suck

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A beta reader is someone who reads your story and tells you what sucks and what doesn't suck. Beta readers are an important process in the writing process. Why?

Because they are your reader. The editor can fix your grammar and other technical problems, but chances are they're going be the last person you come to. Meanwhile, a beta can be used from the second draft on and they will tell you what they think while you still have time to re-write. Your Beta will let you know character flaws, boring bits, plot holes, funny moments, sad moments . . . they are your guinea pig. They're good for one thing and one thing only.


As an author, we need people who aren't us to read our work. It's a simple truth, we cannot be impartial to our work. Even when people tell us something is wrong, we're still naturally inclined to defend our work. I know I am. We need to know more than there's a typo here, or a run on sentence there. That is where a beta comes in. It's okay to want to explain why you did something, but also step back and think about what they said before shrugging it off and ignoring it.

Unfortunately with Freelander, all of the beta's I had lined up bailed on me. They had lives that had things come up or they just didn't respond. That sucked for me, won't lie. I was ready to give up then and there because I know how important a beta is. Especially with the fact I had, including the emergency backups I got, about 30 people who had offered to help me and none of them really got back to me. I wanted to be mad and scream and rant and throw a temper tantrum. But that's the thing, you have to understand the beta's are doing you a favor helping you for free. So be understanding and patient. Don't pressure them. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.

I kind of view Wattpad as my beta reading site, even though you really shouldn't send typo filled first drafts to beta readers the way I tend to post them here. It should at least be polished a little bit. Anyway, I have enough regulars now I can see what is working in a story and what isn't through the regulars who interact with me on here. Now I don't always get feedback on the plot holes and things that can really help, but just seeing if someone reacts to something the way I intended them to is a remarkable asset. Those sections I'll know not to touch (other than cleaning it up) which other sections intended to get a reaction I'll know to fix if they don't get it.

A perfect example would be in Guardian of Calandria. I have a character I wanted readers to hate at the start and then grow to like. That's exactly what happened and I was so proud when I saw I hit the mark. That's the kind of thing you'll get from a beta, you'll see what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong.

Do yourself a favor, get a beta who will be 100% honest to you, I can't stress that enough. It's okay if it is a family member or friend, but make them be honest. And above all . . . don't get mad when they are. If you want the book to be the best it can be, you can't go into it thinking it's perfect in the beta stages and you won't get any negative comments. Give them a list of questions to ask themselves while they read it. If there's anything specific you want them to look out for, let them know.

Beta reading is one of the area's where you're going to find out how much more work is needed so it's important you have someone that is willing to tell you where the flaws are.

Beta reading is one of the area's where you're going to find out how much more work is needed so it's important you have someone that is willing to tell you where the flaws are

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