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 Essus closed his book, he couldn’t focus, his thoughts kept going back to that poor girl, how could someone dare to sneak in, a night before and their most sacred celebration and shed blood on heavenly soil and why her, as her sister said it was unlikely she had any enemies, what did he want with her? She would probably have agreed to sex, definitely, if it was a Sidhe lord, which if he was the same stranger Essus had seen last week, he was. Essus had sensed his power. It was all incredibly shady and suspicious.

 There was a knock on the door, “Come in” it must be her sister, come to know if he had found anything.

    “My King,” Fiona entered the room and bowed to him.

     “Fiona.” he was surprised she had hardly ever visited him I almost three decades of serving him, he mostly saw her at court along with everyone else. “Come, how are you? What brings you here?”

     “Your Majesty, I have a favor to ask of you, to beg you” she took a few steps forward and knelt before him, bowing her head.

     “Get up, you don’t have to kneel, you are one of my most dedicated workers. In fact, I don't think you have ever made a mistake or been late in submitting
the potions, tell me, what is your request, I will try my best to grant it.”

 She got up slowly. “I…” she hesitated. “As you know my King, I once loved a man I shouldn’t have, Damian, now he is the father of my child, she misses him, she wants to see him, now I know why you refused his request to join our court, but he fears you so much that he won’t even visit us, can you grant him permission to visit officially, give me an official permit, we don’t even have to meet in Heaven, we can meet in the field, I ask this for Chloe’s sake, she needs her father...”

     “Of course, I’ll give you an official letter, you can take it to him, and you can go too, to take your daughter for a visit, to the Unseelie court, if it’s safe of course, I won’t mind.”

     “Thank you, My King.”

     “You are welcome honestly I thought you have come to plead for Niccy, I know you two are close, but I won’t change my mind. You can go visit him on Earth but he is never coming back here.”

     “Never?” she asked, surprised.

     “Niccy didn’t tell you? I have banished him forever because he broke the rules and entered heaven to attend the festival, now he will never set foot on heaven or any fey land ever again, after this festival I allowed him inside to say goodbye.”

      “No, I… I didn’t know. But I won’t plead for him, if you have given him this sentence then he must deserve it. Thank you again, My Lord, for being so understanding, Chloe will be so happy.”
      “You are welcome you can go now if there is nothing else you wanna ask me.”

       “There is nothing else. Good day, My King” she bowed and then turned and left.

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