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                            CHAPTER 34

    Niccy woke with a start, his hands struggling against the ropes which bound them, he could feel the bracelet preventing him from using magic to free himself or to do anything with his powers, a magic binder, it was called. He sighed, frustrated, why did the Sidhe ever invent these stupid things?

    Fiona was beside him, tied to another chair, a very worried expression on her face, “Why are we still alive?” she asked.

“May be he thinks I won’t cooperate if he just killed you.”


“Yes, he needs information from me that only I have, though I have told him mostly everything by now, but maybe he thinks there’s more.”

“Information about what?”

“If we get out of here alive, I’ll tell you. He  goinn to kill us now, he can’t wipe all our memories.”

“Wipe our memories?”

“Yes he said he would wipe my memory so I won’t remember who abducted me and then let me go.”

“So we shouldn’t have come here, he was going to set you free and now he’ll kill us all.”

“I don’t believe him, and beside such a  spell would have damaged my mind permanently, i would rather die, though I wish you had not come, i can;t bear the thought of him hurting you.”

“I don’t wish that, I would rather die with you than live in exile without you., all these years,not a day ahs gone by when I didn’t think of you.”

“Let’s not resign ourselves to death yet,” said Fiona, “let’s try to escape first.”

“Escape how? Said Meena “the binders are locked on our arms.”

“That spell takes a long time, maybe he hasn’t had time to lock ours yet, Niccy push my chair to the right, I am gonna use the sharp edge of the table to try to cut the ropes.

    Niccy did, Fiona struggled with the rope, rubbing it again and again, finally she got a few fingers free, cutting a piece of rope, then she pushed her chair around, and using her free fingers, worked on the knotted rope around Niccy’s hands. At she succeeded in freeing his hands. Niccy immediately tried to remove the magic binding bracelet his arm. “It’s not locked” he cried as it came lose in his hands. He turned to Fiona and removed the one on her arm. Then they both used magic to untie  the rest of the ropes around them and around Meena.

“Look,” Fiona whispered, pointing to the window sill, a small potted plant stood there.

Niccy pointed his ahnd towards the plant, calling his magic to his hand, the plant began to grow , it grew bigger and bigger as Fiona joined Niccy, both of them combining thier powers, they had done this only once before, “this is amazing,” Fiona said “if we get out of here alive, we must practice combining our powers, the things we tcould do.”

“I am exiled remember, let’s just focus on getting out of here” Niccy replied, the plant had grown bigger than them and was pushing against the door.

    “What’s going on there?” they heard Jasper’s voice.

“Quick, hide under the table Meena, you still can’t use magic,” said Niccy, “I’ll hold him up” you guys escape as I fight him, I can’t, hold him for long, he is too strong” you escape.”

    “I won’t leave you here,” Meena said “he’ll kill you.”

“You can send help if you escape, besides I am dead anyway, I broke Essus’s rules in coming here, he won’t forgive me, compared to his wrath, a quick death at Jasper’s hands will be mercy.”

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