Chapter 7

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In the novel, Ethan had a lot of investments. But even if he procured a lot of more beneficial businesses, there's a particular company he didn't abandoned, the car company. Surprisingly, that company only had one sole investor, an unnamed character. The author said that his father and that investor were friends thus remained in touch. No wonder Ethan bore no ill will against Laeticia, he must have found out it's her father. But his anger and disgust on the Henneys were apparent.

The Henneys definitely did him injustice. Though it's business, they shouldn't have forced the board to surrender the highest position to them when Ethan was still young to inherit Aesteir. If they had a shred of decency like Robert, Laeticia's father, they would have waited and used legal ways.

I'll make sure they won't make a step unknown to me. Though I'm a baby now, I'll try hard to save my family and demand payment from the Henney family.

I'm now three years old.

My first words are Mama and Papa.


AaaAAAaaaA!!! Embarrassing!!

But I have no choice, I want to make them happy and they were really happy. Mother even told father how I love her more since I called her first. Father was devastated of course. Then he retorted saying that in a few years I'll idolize him, just like how every boy idolize their father. Mother begrudgingly said he'll make me a Mama's boy. Mother, are you okay?

I can now walk also. I loved walking with mother and father. I am done just lying in crib all day when I still couldn't walk.

I'm trying to familiarize myself in this world too.

The setting of the novel is just like the other world. It happened in America.
There were no solid description on the setting, aside from the author writing it happened in somewhere in USA. Well the names of the characters are American so it's typically there right?

We're in a private estate that I don't really know where. There's a possibility that there are other places that aren't in the other world originally, since I encountered a lot of things uncovered in the novel. Plus the author tends to make fictional places and establishments in the story too.

I'm still shocked to learn that I'm a guy. I'm too shocked that I wasn't able to eat properly the first week I was born. I'm starting to get used to it. As well as the 'thing' there. Huhu

While playing with my toy blocks, trying to build a house, Albert knocked and  came in.

“Granpa?” I said. I call him that because Mom told me so and I do not mind. I'm fond of him and I never got a chance to have a grandparent in my past life because my parents were orphans. This is really great.

“Young master, you shouldn't call me that.” Even though he said that, I could see how happy he was with that. He never got a chance to get married and have a child who will give him grandchildren. I know he likes being called like that.

“We have a visitor today, they also have a daughter, though she's still a baby. You are 3 years older than her so don't make her cry okay?” He said gently while walking while carrying me. The way to the waiting room is a long way from my room and I still tire easily so he carried me.

“It's the Ross family.”

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