Chapter 11

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Everything went as a haze.

Before I knew it, I'm already 8 years old.

For the past 5 years, I dedicated myself at learning. As a rich household's son, I never knew learning will be harder compared to other common kids.

I have to learn etiquette, horseback riding, playing instruments and other languages. I have no qualms though. It's fun and I like studying.

I excelled in Math and English. Of course, my job in my past life helped me. But I didn't want to be complacent. I'm still trying to hone my skills. I secretly read advanced mathematics in our library. It would be weird if they say me reading it. I don't want to garner that much attention unlike other isekai characters.

Being born in a rich family may be hard but it has it's perks. My parents hired me a private tutor. I was home schooled. Next month, I'll go to a proper school.

I wonder how Laeticia's doing. My parents are still in touch with them and they usually talked with me too so I got the chance to ask about her but right now, thy are both busy with business and I do not know their telephone number. It's also embarrassing to call them and know that a child just wasted their precious time in handling their business. In the novel, she and Richard will first meet when she was already 8 years old. At that time, she doesn't like Richard and the engagement yet.

I want to see her and be friends with her. She'll definitely be a cute girl after she grew up as a baby. But I'll be busy with studying, I won't have time to see her.

I'll go to the same school as Richard, as stated in the novel. The Westminster Academy is the top academy in the novel's fictional world. It houses elite teachers who foster elite students. Naturally, this is a prestigious school with a ridiculously high tuition fee.

I am still learning to accept how to be a rich kid. I grew up modestly and was not spoiled. My current parents found it weird how I do not desire that much luxury. Seriously my clothes are too many, I had outgrown some and their prices are enough to pay a three months worth of rent in a medium class condominium.

I still haven't forgot my parent's impeding death. I'll try to know their whereabouts as much as possible and their schedule. It wasn't stated where they went in the novel. I believe it has something to do with business.

I won't follow Ethan's path. I won't compete with Richard. We'll only be classmates in high school and there, the rivalry will begin. I'll spend my time studying dedicatedly. If possible, I want to study abroad and learn more. I want to help my parents in our business.

For them, I'll do anything.

Even if I were to be a villain in the truest sense.

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