Chapter 32

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'After seeing her fall, he walked away..seems like he's embarrassed to be there. He didn't looked back and help his young fiancée.'

Everything seemed slow for me.

What should I do? It will be more embarrassing for Laeticia if I appeared out of nowhere and saved her...


I remembered the baby I saw and the crying child I consoled.

My resolve to help her be happy with her family in this time.

I instinctively moved. I moved fast, it's easy for me to walk fast now, I exercise regularly.

My parents seemed to dread the impeding doom too after seeing how Richard has no plan to catch her. Then jolted when I suddenly dashed.

“Ah!” She's falling and will hit the floor.

Richard is starting to turn away.

Make it in time!

I slide across the floor and caught one of her arm and pulled her back.








“I-I'm so s-sorry. Are you hurt?”
I'm sure I'm so red because of embarrassment right now. Aaa!! I'm doomed..My reputation....

But she didn't hear me. She just looked at that retreating back.

The people suddenly grew awkward and sympathetic. They just saw a child abandon his partner and not even try to save her. Even though he invited her first.

The surroundings grew quiet.

Laeticia held her head down. I'm sure she's trying not to cry.

This is so saddening. This must what have it looked like when Richard didn't catch Laeticia in the novel.

Maybe even worse.

As a friend (one-sidedly proclaimed), I tried to lighten up the mood.

I know this is embarrassing but...

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

“Umm I am not good at dancing but if you don't mind. *cough* Will you dance with me?”


The orchestra started to play again.

The people then seemed to wake up from the past incident.

I took her hands. They're so small compared to mine.

I still remember the days I first saw her, as a baby and a 5 yr. old.

She still looked devastated and flustered.

“I can't dance so I'm sorry haha.”

She seemed to finally notice me because she jolted, but she still didn't look at me and just said nothing.

Cheer up, will ya!

“I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?”

She jolted again. She seemed to cry again.

Shoot! I let her remember that again.

I was so flustered, I almost accidentally stepped on her foot.

Oh no!

I tried to evade. I calculated the distance and time it will take her to take that step and her possible reaction if she saw my foot about to step hers.

I confidently evaded....

and successfully failed.

I fell to the floor.

Your mom! Aaaaaa!!! Stop looKinG!!!!

This isn't what I meant by cheering her up! Aaaaaa¢¥^v√™¢π÷?;??!!!?!


I heard my Dad laugh.

Aaaaa!! Bastard!! Stop!!!

Then more people laugh.

I Am The Novel's VillainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz