Chapter 18

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I don't how long I have been running.

As I was running in the hallway, several accusing glances were thrown at me. Because it is forbidden to run here.

I don't care. I don't care if they spread nasty rumors about me. I need to do this to save a life.

Then they got confused as a high schooler carrying a bleeding student ran after me.

I opened the door hastily. I was so tired I collapsed.

I was almost thankful.....


The nurse isn't there...

I felt doom.

The older brother probably felt the same because he paled and stopped in his tracks.

He was losing so much blood.

This wasn't in the novel.

Should I just left him there? Because someone more capable may have saved him? Maybe by then he'll still become a billionaire inventor of firearms.

I was starting to have dark thoughts and doubts.


He would have died there if we didn't save him.

I have to think!!

It's still lunch break and the nurse might be in the cafeteria. But the cafeteria is near the courtyard and far from the infirmary. I can't rely on teachers since their faculty is in the fourth floor. We're in the first floor and probably they won't be there too because they'll also be in the cafeteria. Plus they won't call an ambulance abashedly, they can't risk the school's reputation. Nasty at it is, it's how this school operates. All about reputation. Then even if I managed to find a teacher, he/she will probably direct us to the infirmary and they wouldn't even know where the nurse is.

Then it struck me.

The student council room.

It is near here.

We also have student council. Composed mostly of fifth and sixth graders. They have the intercom and mostly announces special events. Those speakers are attached to all vicinity.

“Mister, please stay here. I'll do something!”

He seemed to be called down to earth from the shock of disappointment when he heard me.

“H-hey kid!!”

I didn't look back. I stand up and ran again. I seriously couldn't feel my legs anymore and everything is starting to look black. But I know that my legs are fast.

I was homeschooled because I have weak health. I didn't know Ethan was weak. In the novel he competed in everything. But then again, he may have learned to be strong after his parent's death.

I didn't knock as I saw that sign. The 'Student Council'. Especially since I saw that someone is going out.

Please make it. Please make it.

I have to catch that guy!

As he was about to leave, I shouted..

“Please announce this!”

He seemed rattled and was about to get angry and doubtful. Well an 8 year old shouted at an upper class so it's easily seen as disrespectful, but he believed me because I probably looked desperate and unkempt.

“Miss Cheng, you are needed in the infirmary ASAP. I repeat, a student is in dire condition! "

I was so thankful.

I was planning to say thank you to him.

But suddenly everything went black.


That was the last word I heard.

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