Memories flood one's mind like poison

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    It's been a week since you came back to James' house, no, your home and thing were slowly getting better, or so everyone wanted to believe including yourself. Your chest still felt hollow, the emptiness never diminishing, no matter how hard you tried. Everyone was doing their best to help you get through it, Dipper, Pure, Ghost and Hornet taking you on walks through the forest, Moder accompanying you along with the Birch. The Norse Being offered to help you, but the others were quick to shut him up as it would mean putting you through the accident all over again and they refused vehemently to allow you to repeat the nightmare. Herrah, Pale King, Grimm, and the Doll were doing the housework coordinated by Gertrude as Olaf was helping James at work and sometimes going to aid Felicia and your sisters. Once you tried to go with them, but when you got there, at the corner where it all broke, strength drained in a matter of seconds and your entire body going into shock. They rushed you back home, where you spend the whole day sleeping, Shade and the Great Ones trying to comfort you, as you were crying in Flora's arms. Mabel was helping you with the children, playing with them when you felt the need to just be alone and cry, unable to go any more with the façade of being happy. The little ones understood, they always did, but that torn you apart. It wasn't fair to them, you knew that. But you couldn't help it, the pain was suffocating, and the memories couldn't stop flowing into your mind, sad and happy times were haunting your every waking moment, the smallest of things were enough to trigger the torture.

    You stared at the poor puppy, his white fur spoiled by dirt and mud, sleeping on a thrown-away magazine in the corner of the parking lot. He couldn't be too old, judging by his size, merely a month or two. You looked around trying to find his mother, but in vain. There were no signs of other dogs or puppies around, and the thought that he might be all alone broke your heart.

    "(Y/N). We can't help him." your mother said as she noticed the look in your eyes and the reason behind it.

    Without you noticing, tears began to gather and were one step away from flowing down your cheeks.

    You looked at her, and saw the concern painted on her face.

    "Can't we give him some food at least?" you asked, in the most pleading voice your 8 years old self could muster.

    She sighed.

    "Hold the bags. I'll go buy some milk. Wait for me here ok." she said and passed you the groceries.

     It didn't take her long to come back, carrying a small box with milk and a pair of scissors. She went to the puppy and kneeled down besides it, fighting to open the container so he could drink it easily. All that time, the little animal was wagging his tail happily and jumping on her, letting out the cutest barks you ever heard. You and your mother stayed with him a bit to make sure no one will come and disturb him, as it often happened thanks to ill-mannered children and careless parents that never paid to much attention to them unless their hell-spawn got hurt. When it was clear that everything would be alright, Norah decided that it was time to go, as to not have the little one follow you home.

    You reluctantly followed her, but continued to look behind you now and then, despite her numerous times telling you not to. However you could see that she too was throwing glances back towards the puppy now and then and as any 8 years old child, you began to sulk. Why was she allowed to do something you weren't?

    At home, you went to take Rex to your room, the huge pet more than excited to lie on the soft carpet as you were rubbing his belly. Your mind kept flying to the little puppy in the corner of the parking lot. Was he ok? Did someone take him home? Did his mommy come to pick him up?

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