Beginning of the end. Part 2. Awakening

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Wouf! Managed to get this chapter done at last! Hope it was worth the wait!

Also, because I'm dumb and forgot to mention this in the last chapter, the island where Dipper and Mabel are is from the game The Shore by Ares Dragonis. The game isn't out yet, but if you want, there's a demo (or was, can't seem to find it now,), or of you're like me and time is not your friend, there are videos of it on Youtube. So yeah, sorry about that.

Anyway, have a great day/night! Next chapter coming soon! (I hope...)

Fighting to catch his breath, tired and aching, blood sipping through the cuts made by sharp twigs and thorns, he peeked from between the oversized leaves serving as his hiding spot and looked around. A relieved sigh escaped his lips seeing no pursuers anywhere near, but the break didn't last long. Stomachs began to grumble, eyelids growing heavy from fatigue. They've been on the run all night, not daring to stop for a break or anything, the breath of those creatures always in the back of their necks. Those monsters, he's seen them before, a sketch resembling them lying on the table in the lighthouse, notes scribbled in a hurry on the sides. He struggled to remember what they said, but the memory was foggy, the anxiety rushing through his veins disturbing his focus.

"D-Dipper...l-look." Mabel whispered behind him, her voice trembling with fear.

He turned to see what was going on, praying that the creatures hadn't found them. He could no longer run, the adrenaline which kept him going beginning to wear off, leaving room for fear and fatigue to settle in and take over. His jaw dropped, a new wave of dread washing over him. The monoliths were moving. Sprouting from the bottom, monstrous were grey feet carrying them towards the front of the island, towards the shore. Black, storm clouds were gathering on the sky, the scent of danger floating in the air.

"W-what the hell is going on?" Dipper asked himself, out loud, eyes glued on the darkening horizons.

"Eh, not much. The rising of R'lyeh, the awakening of the old ones. You know, end of the world stuff."

Both Dipper and Mabel turned around, hands gripped by the cold grasp of fear, beads of sweat rolling down their backs. Behind them was a monster like no other, their minds struggling to make sense of what they were seeing. Hollow visage which seemed to absorb one's sanity inside its darkness, tentacles, fingers, eyes, and mouths where they shouldn't be. All misplaced, all wrapped and misshaped, the dark skin glowing in some places, stars and constellations shining through, swirling in a beautiful, chaotic motion.

"Hi! I'm Nyarlathotep. Nice meeting you." the monster said, waving at the twins, a sinister, fanged smile emerging from the darkness. "I have a feeling we're gonna have a lot of fun together."


"They are coming."

The voice whispered, the fog above the ocean water condensing more and more as it seemed to retract into itself, becoming a thick cloud of smoke.

Lily looked down at her with blank eyes before moving her gaze at the Great One in the depths. Kos was growing restless, his presence growing with each passing day. And wherever he was , that one was always sure to follow. She could already feel their worshipers rise to the surface, see the place they once called hone come back to life.

She looked up at the two beings awaiting on the surface, both thoughts, both discarded, but one was still wanted while the other was hated, existing merely because her instincts had told her too. They still had yet to figure out what to do with her. Save or destroy? A decision would soon have to be taken, but as of now, she could still linger, for the stars had more serious plans in mind.

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