Chapter 33

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I ended up dozing off in Hauwa's room

She tried waking me up but I an such a heavy sleeper

"C'mon, don't make me carry you" I heard her say but I could barely move an inch

She managed to drag me out of bed and out of her room

She was literally carrying all my weight

We walked down the hallway until we reached Umar's room

She knocked on the door panting

Umar opened the door

"Ok Ya Umar, take her" she said

She literally threw me at him

That made me come back to my senses

He quickly caught me before I went flying down

She walked away and he closed the door

He released me from his grip and I stumbled towards the bed

I almost fell down but I quickly regained my step

I turned to look at Umar and he was looking at me with narrowed eyes

Thankfully I changed into my pajamas before I started helping Anisa with her homework, all I did was put a hijab on top, and I prayed in Hauwa's room

I carefully removed the hijab and I placed it in the drawer where my praying mat was

I then laid down on the bed and I dragged the duvet to my chin

I did my duas and I turned to see Umar back to his desk Using his laptop

This guy literally doesn't even rest, even at home

I turned my gaze away from him and I faced the wall, it didn't take me a minute and I fell asleep


This time I didn't wake up on Umar's chest thankfully

But I did wake up to see my face close to his

Why do I keep rolling to this guy?

What is wrong with me?

It took my sometime to appreciate how beautiful he looked while sleeping

The frown from his face gone

I know he still looked handsome no matter how deep his frown is but still....Masha Allah

He looked so peaceful while sleeping

I really really really wanted to see him smile

And well...I don't think that's going to happen

I crawled out of the bed before me wakes up thinking I'm a pathetic creeper

When I woke up for fajr he wasn't on the bed so I assumed he went to the mosque, after I prayed and I went back to sleep I heard him coming back in after some minutes and he has been sleeping since, I think he didn't sleep early

I took a shower and I got ready before I dressed into a blue and white Ankara with a white veil

I left my face natural and I tied my head tie

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