Chapter 51

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Double Update Alert! 💃🏾


"And done!" Fa'iza said as she stepped away from me

I turned to look at myself in the mirror and my eyes widened

"This girl, you really do magic" I said

Faiza grinned and she turned to look at Aliya who was also admiring my makeup as she drank her Capri sun

"Isn't she so pretty?" Fa'iza asked Aliya

Aliya nodded in agreement and they high fived

I laughed at them as I got ready to come down from the chair

"Wait, I didn't take you the picture, that was the whole point, remember?"

When I opened the door to let Aliya in for the sleepover we were supposed to have I didn't exactly expect Fa'iza behind her with a box filled with makeup supplies, Ashoke, and bead accessories

Apparently after a lot of convincing from all of us she was starting a make up business, she opened an instagram account and she needed a bomb picture for her first post

To sum everything up she needed a model and as soon as I opened the door the next thing I knew I was doing was sitting on a chair while Fa'iza applied cold stuff on my face

"Oya smile naa" she said

I smiled at the camera and she squealed

"Good luck at the first try, this picture is really nice" She said as she showed it to me

"Inyeh" I said as I grinned at the picture

She took a few more before she decided it was ok

"Ya Umar should come back naa" she said as she started to clean up

"He should because I'm cleaning it soon" I said

"Oh come on" she said

"Wallahi" I said as I chewed on an apple Aliya gave to me

Just as the words left my mouth the front door closed

He's back

Aliya ran out of the room

Fa'iza squealed "I cant wait to see his reaction"

"He's probably not even going to say anything" I said with a chuckle

"Haba dai" she said

"And it's not like he hasn't seen me with makeup before"

"Yeah, he's seen you on your birthday, let's not lie, that one looks better than this one, that make up was the best, and that dress made it so much better" she said

"Which dress made what better?" Umar asked

I turned to see Umar coming in holding Aliya's hand

"Ina wuni Ya Umar" Fa'iza said (Good Evening)

When he saw me his eyebrows went up

"Lafiya" he said to her but his eyes were still looking at me

"Is there anything happening? Where are you going?" He asked me

Fa'iza giggled behind me

"She's not going anywhere, I'm using her as a model for my makeup business" she said

"Is she paying you?" He asked me as he walked closer to me

I laughed but I quickly stopped before I chocked on the Apple, I waited until I swallowed before I spoke "She isn't"

"Nooo, you have to pay her" he said

"Don't worry Ya Umar, I'll pay her" she said with a chuckle as she continued to pack her stuff

"We'll be waiting" he said before he turned to look at me

He leaned down and he pressed a kiss on my cheek "kinyi kyau" (You look nice)

I was kind of surprised because I didn't expect him to show any affection towards me in front of his siblings

But at the same time, Umar is Umar and Umar is unpredictable

"Thank you" I whispered

I looked away from Aliya to see her with a cheeky smile and Fai'za trying to act like she just didn't see that

"Can I get a kiss too?"

I turned to see Aliya looking up at Umar

I couldn't help but let the smile come over my face

He chuckled "of course"

He leaned down and and he pressed a kiss to her cheek

It makes me so happy to see Aliya and Umar together, I don't even know why

I smiled at them as they left the room talking about how Aliya takes too much sugar

"I'm leaving" Fa'iza  sang in a high pitched voice from behind me

I pouted "you don't even want to spend more time together with your model"

She laughed "Wallahi I'll come one day and spend the whole day here"

"Toh Allah ya kaimu" I said


"I should probably give you this yeah?"I said referring to the Ashoke that was on my head and shoulder and the jewelry she brought with her

"I can just get it another day" she said

"I was even going to remove it right now so just go with it" I said as I removed it and I gave it to her

She laughed and she collected it "you know it's kind of sad to remember that you're going to clean the make up that took me almost an hour immediately when I leave"

"You're right on that one, be happy that I haven't cleaned it yet" I said as we exited my room

She placed her hand on her heart "you hurt me Hameeda"

I chuckled as we walked to the living room and she said bye to Umar and Aliya

I walked her out the door and she entered the car and the driver drove off

I walked back into the house and Umar and Aliya were seated where I left them

They were sitting on the couch watching tv

Aliya has her head on Umar's chest and he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder

I smiled at them just as they noticed my presence

They both looked at me at the same and I couldn't help but notice their heavy resemblance for like the hundredth time in my life

Aliya smiled at me and Umar just gave me the normal face Umar gives me

I smiled back at Aliya before I walked back into the room to clean my makeup off


Heyy guys


A double update!

I know some of you saw an update of chapter 51 some minutes ago and then it suddenly disappeared 💀😭🤣

I mistakenly published it without editing and then I had to to delete the chapter to edit it before posting again😂🤦🏾‍♀️

Sorry for the confusion

I hope you enjoyed the chapter ❤️!

Love, M🤍

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