Chapter 34

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When the the doctor came he examined my leg

"Well, you did dislocate your ankle, I could feel a  deep injury has been there not so long ago, so when the ankle was pressed on, there was pain from previous injury and the new one" he had said

I guess he was referring to the injury that was there when those two guys chased me

And my leg had to be located back now was going to hurt

The doctor said he was coming back later to have my leg located back

All this that happened, only Umar and Aunty Yusrah knew about it, I was actually surprised they didn't hear my screams

As embarrassing as that sounds

Aunty Yusrah kept apologizing to me, that she made it worse

But I told her it was ok

Umar took his shower and he changed into a light blue polo shirt and jeans

Aunty Yusrah later came back with Hauwa behind her holding my breakfast

Hauwa hugged me and she was shocked saying she didn't know

I ate the breakfast she brought and she took it back before she came back and she sat down beside me

Umar and Aunty Yusrah were siting on the two chairs in the right side of the room

After 20 minutes the doctor came back with another guy, maybe a physiotherapist?

Aunty Yusrah came forward and Umar turned his attention to us but he remained seated on the chair

He probably didn't want his hand squeezed to death again

The doctor said that this would be the guy to locate my ankle back

"Are you ready?" The doctor asked


Why isn't Umar coming! 

I turned to my look at Umar begging him with my eyes to come forward

I felt very uncomfortable that there
were men in here and my leg was still hurting

He noticed and he stood up before he walked towards us

Hauwa stood up when she saw him coming toward us and he took her place beside me

He held my hand just as the other guy placed his hands on my leg

He slowly started moving my ankle and I squeezed Umar's hand tighter and I buried my face in his chest

His other hand wrapped around my back

The guy was still moving the ankle and all I wanted to do was shout

This time it hurted bad and it startled me, I moved in Umar's embrace ready to drag my leg from the guy's grip but he held me tighter

He moved it one last time and it was back to its original position

Aunty Yusrah and Hauwa sighed in relief

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