Chapter 47

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This chapter is dedicated to ashraff_as

Happy Belated Birthday 🥳❤️

I've known you for a very short time but you've had my back more than people I've known for a long time

And for that I appreciate you 🥺😘

After some minutes thinking to my self

I decided to join them in the living room

I walked into the living room to see everyone seating where I left them before

Well except for Nafisa

Of course she had to be seated next to Umar

Showing him something on her phone while her arm 'accidentally' brushed against his

This shouldn't be a surprise, we are talking about a lady who kissed a guy right in front of his wife

The more that I think of it the more I think of how I let it go so easily

Like how? Why?

The hell?

I discarded that thought at the back of my mind and I made my way to the one seater next Umar's friend

A small table in between our chairs

"Sannu Amarya, I'm Auwal" the guy next to me said

I turned to look at him "Sannu, nice meeting you"

"The pleasure is mine"

From there the conversation went on

And let me tell you this

I felt very very frustrated and uncomfortable

You see, unlike Al'amin, the only friend of Umar I had a conversation with, this one stared at me too much and weirdly

Al'amin just looks at me for a second before he lowers his gaze

This one was looking at me like I was some girl he saw at a party not his friend's wife

It took every effort in me not to take the tissue box on the table and wack it on his head

And what was more frustrating was Umar acting like I wasn't even there

He was busy talking to Hajiya Nafisa

What am I even doing here? I literally should be at home on my bed watching Netflix, instead I'm here married to this insanely handsome guy who didn't even care about me and who is also seated on a couch talking to his 'lover'

I was scared I was going to blow up any moment now

I didn't know which one was more frustrating, the pain that was starting to stir up in my stomach, Nafisa's annoying giggle, her brother's annoying voice or Umar's icy silence

I grit my teeth together as Auwal asked me another question

I managed to smile "yeah"

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