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This is an image to give you an idea of what Elise looks like. Of course use your own imagination if you like. But my girl is a chocolate beauty. Please enjoy

"Have you ever questioned if your life was meant for another reason on this earth other than what you're doing with it?" Elise asked as she sat at the kitchen table looking out the back door.

"I don't know, but I can tell you that I'm happy with the life I am living." Maxine said to her long time friend, her sister. Elise looked over her shoulder at Max who was standing behind her and she smiled.
Ever since that day Max caught her trying to steal her car they've been friends. Elise was a troubled kid and she did some unthinkable things as a kid to stay alive, but thanks to this women who roughed her up after trying to steal her car at the age of twelve she was given a second chance in life. She was forever thankful for her second chance. She felt she owed Maxine her life.

"Of course you would be happy, you're married, with a baby on the way." She said as she looked at the little baby bump her sister was carrying. Maxine absently rubbed her stomach. To Elise Maxine had it all. A good job, a wonderful husband who loved her, and soon to have a big beautiful house. She and her husband was on the verge of moving out of the apartment they were living in for more space since they were now having a baby, but Max didn't want to buy a house without her husband who was in the army. They had to find a house together. So she was waiting for her husband to come home.
Elise let out a slow deep breath. Although she felt as if she had everything she ever wanted. A family. A house. A good job. She felt that she was missing the thing she truly wanted in life. Love. She wanted to know what it felt like to be loved. She's never had that before. Of course she knew her sister loved her but she wanted something more when it came to love, she wanted a man to love her the way Maxine's husband loved her unconditionally. She knew no man could give her that except for the man she truly wanted.
Looking back in the yard her eyes drifted to the man that she was in love with. His name was Jonathan or John for short, but for her his name was Handsome, that's the only name she's ever called him and she's called him it so much that it stuck, and he begin answering to it.

She's had the biggest crush on him ever since she first laid eyes on him and that was nearly thirteen years ago. The man was too fine for his own good. Standing at six foot two and built like a basketball player. His body was more lean and he carried himself so well unlike her. She was tall herself for a women standing at five foot nine, but she wasn't the type of women to dress up and flaunt her body. Although she stayed in great shape she would throw on a pair of sweatpants and an oversize shirt and call it a day. Sighing she said.

"Do you think your brother will ever marry me?" She could hear Max chuckle behind her.

"Girl you need to get off my brother and move on."

"I can't do that.." She said as if her feelings was hurt and Maxine laughed.

"Listen, my brother is too stuck in his own ways to realize that he's missing such a great thing in front of him."

"What great thing?" Elise asked looking back over her shoulder.

"You, dummy."

"Oh." She said then beamed. "Awe isn't that sweet." She swiftly stood and went to Maxine kissing her on the cheek.

"You know you are a very smart women, but some of the easiest things fly over your head." Maxine said and Elise sucked her teeth at her comment.

"Whatever. But back on the subject. You know I love your brother right?"

"Yes you told me one million times."

"Well it's the truth. So for you to suggest that I just leave him alone doesn't make any sense to me. You're in love, you should know."

"Yeah but there's a difference. My husband loves me back."

"Ha ha ha..." Elise said sarcastically. "I'm going to make your brother love me I just have to find a way to do it."

"You're really serious." Maxine said.

"Yeah girl. Although I make a joke out of it. I am in love with your brother girl and I want that damn man so damn bad. I just have to find a way to get him. Once I do get him we gone have us some beautiful chocolate babies." Max bust out laughing.

"You is crazy."

"Yeah crazy about your brother." Elise made her way toward John who was playing a game of cards with his friends "Hello Handsome." She said wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"What do you want Elise?" He asked anode.

"You already know what I want Handsome. All you have to say is let's go." The other men chuckled making him embarrassed. He moved her hands from around him.

"Go away Elise."

"Is that any way to talk to your future wife?"

"The day I marry you is the day that pigs fly."

"We just might be seeing that happen then. Hello fellas." She said giving her attention to the men that were cackling.

"Hey Elise." They all said at the same time. Everybody and their mother knew that she had the biggest crush on John. And everyone thought it was pitiful how she continued to chase after him even after all the turndowns he gave her. She was definitely a persistent women. Once she walked away John sighed as he shook his head.

"Maybe you should give her the time of day." Tim one of his friend said.

"Maybe you should go to hell." John said giving his attention back to the game they were playing.

"Man whatever. All im saying is she's not a bad looking girl is all."

"I'm not blind Tim. I see that she's not a bad looking girl either, but that's just it, she's still a girl. You see the way she dress." John said looking at her as she walked away. "Baggy sweat pants and shirt is all I see her wear. Nothing else." He shook his head in disappointment. Yeah Elise was definitely not his type.

"Clothes isn't what make the women." Tim said upset that his friend only seen the material things and not the real things, like a good heart. If he really paid attention he would see that Elise really did like him, and the best part was that she was pure. Innocent. She wanted the real thing she just had to find someone who was ready for it and his friend definitely wasn't.

"Well if you're so set on her why don't you ask her out then." John retorted.

"I already did." They all looked at him surprised. "She turned me down. Told me that she was saving herself for you. That girl is in love with you..."

"When did you ask her out?" Mark asked taking the words right out of John's mouth.

"A few weeks ago. We seen each other at an event and sparked up conversation and I asked her then, but her heart is set on you for some strange odd reason." Tim said and the men chuckled all except John. "If I was you I would have been married that girl."

"Well good thing you're not me then." John said smartly. "It all comes down to me not being attracted to her. She's just not my type. It has nothing to do with the person she is. Now can we please drop this subject."
After they finished their card game John made his way home ready to take a shower and go to bed. He had a long day ahead of him the next day and he wanted to make sure he was well rested. After showering he lay in bed thinking about what Tim had said. He had asked Elise out and she had turned him down all because of him? What was up with that women? Why was she so set on dating him? No woman has ever chased him the way she did. Why was she so persistent? Not for nothing but his friend Tim wasn't a bad looking guy. They were the same height although Tim had more of a stockier build he also had a good job was single and no kids. What women would turn him down? Elise Watson would. The women was not his type. She definitely needed to move on. Pushing the thought to the back of his head he drifted off to sleep.

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