Chapter 14

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Elise sat and watched as her kids played around with each other. All except Shaun. He sat and watched tv but it seemed he was more in a dase then paying attention to what was on.
   “You ever have a dog before Shaun? She asked him. His english wasn't all that great but she made it a point to help him with it whenever she could.
   He shook his head to her question. “Are you afraid of dogs? He shook his head again. “There is an animal shelter not far from here. Would you like to come with me to look at dogs?” He nodded his head excited. “Come on.” She said as she stood.
   Elise lay by the pool soaking up as much as the sun that she could. After spending nearly two hours in the pool working out she welcomed the soreness in her body. She still continued to avoid Tim as much as she could without being so obvious about it. She still talked to him and even seen him from time to time but she emotionally kept her distance.
   The thought of losing him scared her too much. Yes she wanted love but was it worth the cost of losing someone?
   She opened her eyes after feeling someone hover over her stealing the glow of the sun from her. It was Amber.
   “Good afternoon.” She said smiling down at Elise.
   “Hey.” Elise sat up her mood ruined.
   “Why do you lay in the sun?” Amber asked.
   “Its healthy for you.”
   “You're not afraid of getting sunburn?”
   “No. Im not afraid of getting darker either.” Elise said reading between the lines of what Amber wasn't asking. She just smiled. Elise stood.
   “Where are you going?” Away from you she thought to herself.
   “Don't like me huh?” Elise stopped and stared at her.
   “Now why do you think I don't like you?”
   “You always leave when I come around.”
   “I dont always leave because I don't like you.” Laughing she said.
   “So why do you always leave then?”
   “Because you don't like me. I rather not be around people who send subliminal hate towards me.”
   “I don't hate you Elsie. I just…” She tried to find the right words. “I…”
   “What?” Elise prompted.
   “I’m attracted to you.” She said in a voice so low that Elise wasn't sure she heard her right. “And I don't know how to handle that.”
   Elise body relaxed more after that confession.
   “I know I come off as a bitch and annoying but that's how I handle things.” She took Elise hand. “Sorry for, you know, being a pain.” She touched a strain of Elise hair. “You're so beautiful to me.”
   “So what? You're like gay?”
   “You have a problem with gay people?”
   “Not at all.”
   “Good but I’m not gay. I'm just very much attracted to you.” She hunched her shoulders. “I don't know. I just wanted to tell you so you knew I wasn't being a bitch because I hated you. I far from hate you. I admire you.” Elise looked away not sure how to take this new found information. She wasn't attracted to women like that. “I hope we can continue to be friends. I feel I can learn a lot from you.”
   “I would love to continue to be friends. And thank you for telling me this. I thought you really didn't like me.”
   “Far from it.”
   “But you and John…?
   “We're still together.”
   “Okay.” She said as she nodded her head.
   “And Tim?”
   “I’m in love with that man.”
   “Then why the hell are you avoiding me, again?” Elise smiled as he came in the back towards them. Amber excused herself and Elise willingly went into Tims arms resting her forehead against his chest.
   “What is going on with you young lady?” He asked sounding like his father. Wrapping her arms around his neck she kissed him slow and sensual. “What was that for?”
   “I've misses you.”
   “I've always been here Elise.”
   “I know.” She rest her head against his chest again as she slid her hand under his shirt wrapping her arms around his waist. She loved touching his hard firm chest. “I just been so confused lately.”
   “Didn't we talk about this?”
   “Yes baby we did. I won't do it again. I promise.” She pulled him down for another kiss. “I love you.” She moaned when he boost her up in his arms. He sat down with her straddling him.
   “Talk to me Beautiful.”
   “I came to a realisation today.”
   “What's that?”
   “I need you.” His heart melted for her  then. The look in her eyes told him that she was giving her all to him at that very moment. She kissed him softly. “You are my everything.”
   “What does this mean?” He asked.
   “I just...wanna love you so hard. I'm ready for that.”
   “What's stopping you?”
   “Nothing now baby.”
   “At all?” He said referring to John.
   “Nothing at all baby.” She rubbed the padding of her thumb against his bottom lip then kissed him. “Let's get outta here.” She nodded her head and he picked her up. Just as they were about to leave her phone began to ring. It was the orphanage.
   “Elise. I need you here quick.”
   “What's wrong?”
   “Its Shaun. I can't find him.”
   “I'm on my way.”
   Elise rushed threw the door at the shelter seeing a panicked Ronda.
   “What happened?” She asked.
   “I was making diner and when I called the kids to eat they said he was outside. I went looking for him but he's nowhere.”
   “How long?” Elsie asked going to his room.
   “Hour in a half.” Ronda said following behind her.
   “He didn't take any of his things. Where's Teddy?” She asked referring to the puppy she got from the animal shelter for the kids.
   “She's gone also.”
   “Maybe we should call the police.” Tim suggested.
   “No we'll find him. Maybe the dog got out and he went chasing after her.” Going to the back porch she paused and just listened. She knew that he was still around. He was too afraid to leave. He felt safe. Or did he?
   “Was there anyone else here with you at the time?” She asked Ronda.
   “A man came by.”
   “What man?” Tim and Elise asked at the same time.
   “He said he was a cable guy. Was trying to sell me cheaper cable. I didn't take it of course.”
   “What did he look like?”
   “Spanish. Short. Five six in height?”
   “Did he come inside?” Elise asked and Ronda nodded her head. “That's what he's afraid of. The man scared him. Shaun!” She called after him. She sprang into action.
   Tim watched as she hopped off the balcony to the ground in shock. It was impressive because the balcony was damn near ten feet off the ground.
   Coming down from his shock he ran down the stairs after her. She stopped once she got to the fence.
   “Shaun!” She yelled. How did he get out? She thought to herself.
   “Help me find a hole.” She said and he went into action looking for a whole.
   “Over here.” Ronda called. They both took off in that direction. 
   “Why would he dig that hole? How did he dig that hole by himself?” Tim asked.
   “Maybe he had help.” Elise thinking that the dog had to help him. That's the only thing she could think of. She was too big for the whole. She would have to hop the fence. “I have to find him.”
   “Let's call the police Elise.” Tim said.
   “He's going to run Tim. He's been hurt by men. Even though they mean no harm he's not going to see it that way. They're going to scare him and I don't want him to run further into the woods. He'll get lost. He doesn't know English that well.”
   “What if he's already lost?”
   “We'll find him…”She paused looking up at him. “Right?” He knew that was her way of asking him to help her. Of course he would help her. Always.
   “Let's go.” He watched as she pulled herself up the fence hopping over it. The woman was amazing. He followed suit glad that he was in shape at this time.
   “What's the real reason you don't want me to call the police?” Tim asked as they looked around.
   “He's a scared boy.”
   “There is another reason Elise. We could easily do an Amber alert. Why don't you want me to call the police?”
   “He's here illegally okay. If the police knew that he was here they would take him back to Puerto Rico and put him in the rundown orphanages there. His father will find him and god only knows what will happen to him after that. He'll either continue to be hurt or die if he went back. I promised that he would never have to go back and I'm not breaking that promise.” With that Tim dropped it. He would hate for any harm to come to the little boy.
   His little brother then came to mind and he found himself even more determined to find Shaun. The thought of anyone taking his brother away would kill him.
   “We have to separate.” Elise said braking him out of his thoughts.
   “What why?”
   “We'll cover more ground that way.”
   “Please Tim. I'll be fine. We have to find him. Please.” She repeated when he seemed to hesitate.
   “Fine. For five minutes and that's it.”
   “Okay.” She said smiling up at him. 
   “Answer your phone when I call you.”
   “I will babe.” Leaning up she kissed him. “I love you.”
   “We have a lot of talking to do young lady.” He said firmly.
   “I know.”
   “Glad you do. And I love you also.” With that they walked there separate ways.
   “Shaun! Please baby hear me.” She had took out her phone and begin using the flash light. It was getting dark. “Shaun!. Vamonos!” She paused when she heard creeking. She flashed her light in that direction but seen nothing. The creek came again along with a whimper. It was the puppy.
   “Teddy?” It began slowly walking towards her limping. She noticed blood on her also. She looked around her but seen no sign of Shaun. She knew that it was a long shot but she said.
   “Teddy where's Shaun?” The pups little tail began to wag. “Shaun.” She called. Suddenly the puppy took off running.
   “Tim!” She called while on the pups tails.
   Hearing Elise screech his name Tim took off in that direction. Damn he could barely see anything. He was running for a good two minutes before her spotted her. She was a good ten yards in front of him. He had to pick up his speed because she was running hella fast.
   “Shaun!” Elise yelled as she ran. “Shaun!” She stopped and looked around. “Where is he Teddy?” The puppy was sniffing around. She then laid down. “He was here. Is that what your saying?” She looked. He couldn't be far the spot looked fresh.
   “Shaun!.” She heard a scream then took off in that direction. “Shaun!” The puppy was following behind her.
   “Elise!” Tim called after her. Did she not know that she was running towards a cliff? “Elise!” Damn this woman for being so damn fast. She was really giving him a run for his money.
   He was almost close enough. “Elise.” He called after her. “Baby please stop.” He seen once she stopped giving him time to catch up to her then she took off again.
   “Shaun!” She was close. She ran threw and opening of trees only to be grabbed from behind.
   “Gotcha.” Tim pulled her to his chest holding her tight. “Why didn't you stop when I called you huh?” He said as he kissed her forehead. 
   “Im sorry. I wanted to find Shaun. I heard him.”
   “I heard him also.” They both looked when they seen the puppy pawing at the edge of the cliff.
   “Teddy come here.” Elsie grabbed her just realising that the blood that was on her was not her own. Looking over the edge she seen him. He was laying on a small patch of leaves down below. “I see him.” She began preparing to slid down the side of the cliff but Tim grabbed her.
   “What are you doing?”
   “I'm going to get him.”
   “That's too steep. You'll slip. You have nothing to hold onto.”
   “How are we going to get him then?”
   “I'll go get him”
   “Tim baby you are too heavy. I will not be able to pull you back up.” He thought for a second and knew that she was right. Dammit.
   “You owe me a back massage after this.” Smiling she said.
   “Whatever you want baby.”
   “Please be careful okay?”
   “I will.” She went into action. He said a silent prayer the whole time she was going down to the kid. Once she stepped foot beside the boy he thanked God.
   He listened as she spoke Spanish to him. She didn't tell him that she spoke Spanish. Why not? Pushing that to the back of his mind he watched as she helped the boy up. Tim laid on his stomach reaching down to them. He was happy that they weren't too far down and it was and easy reach.
   Although he looked afraid the boy reached up allowing Tim to grab and pull him up. Once making sure that the boy was okay he reached down for Elise.
   “Now your turn Beautiful.” She easily reached up grabbing his hand. He pulled her up with ease also. Going over to the boy she hugged him tight speaking to him in spanish.
   “How did you get down there?” She asked.
   “Someone was chasing me.”
   “I don't know. I was so scared Elise. I had fell down there.” He pointed to the cliff and when they couldn't find me they left.” She hugged him tight. Deciding that she was going to talk to him more later Tim scooped him up and carried him back to the orphanage.
   She had cleaned him up and didn't find any deep cuts that would be reason for Teddy to have blood on her. A thought suddenly came to her. Rushing to the pup she examined her.
   “What's wrong?” Tim asked.
   “This is not Shaun’s blood.” She looked up at him in a kneeling position. “Maybe she bit the person that was chasing them. Maybe that's how they had got seperated. She was protecting him. Grabbing a napkin she whipped as much blood as she could off the pup.
   “I have to get this tested.”
   “I can do that for you.” Tim said.
   “You can?”
   “Yes I’m a cop remember.”
   “Oh you are. Damn how lucky am I?” She stood up kissing him.
   “You are very lucky.” He joked making her laugh.
   “I need to watch the surveillance camera to find out who was that man trying to sell cable.” They were there for the rest of the day calling all cable companies trying to find the man that came over but no luck. In Elises eye he was a suspect until she found out more info about him. She had decided to stay overnight at the orphanage and of course Tim stayed with her.
   “You think this guy had something to do with Shaun running?” He asked as they lay next to her on the livingroom floor.
   “I don't know. I keep thinking that maybe he just thought someone was chasing him but I also just can't run with that thought. I have to make sure that it was for a fact not just his imagination. Then I think...what if someone was chasing him? Why were they chasing him? How did they know he was here? How did they get pass all the cameras we have around here? It's all confusing to me.”
   “Someone was here Elise. How else would you explain the blood off Shaun and Teddy?” He was right she thought. But who, was the question. “We’ll figure it out baby.”
   “I know. I hope soon though.” She snuggled closer to him. “Amber confessed that she has a crush on me.” She said and his eyes shot open looking down at her.
   “What?” He said with a chuckle.
   “Just before you came to moms house she was telling me the reason she was being a bitch to me was because she had some form of a girl crush on me.” He laughed. “Don't laugh.” She said trying to keep from laughing herself. His deep laugh was so beautiful to her. “She said she admire me and she didn't know how to act or feel about it so she come off ass a bitch.”
   “Well how did you feel about it?” He asked.
   “Shocked and confused and relieved at the same time”
   “Why were you feeling relieved?”
   “Because now I know why she was being an ass to me. I feel more comfortable around her now.”
   “I understand. Well she can't have you. You're all mind.”
   “Got that right.” She said and he smiled as he kisses her forehead. He was unable to sleep thru the night. Always listening out for any form of movement. So far all he got was the restless puppy. She was only a six month old pup. How did she know to bite someone? Either way he was glad that she had.
   Being a trained soldier staying alert was what he was trained to do. And he would do it if it meant protecting Elise.
   “I wanna thank you so much for staying with me at the orphanage.” Elise said
   “You're welcome.”
   “It seems something alway distract us from being together.”
   “We’re together a lot.” He said with a smile.
   “I meant intimately.” He groan with her words and seeing the want in her eyes. Standing on her toes she kissed him gently as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Let's finally make it back to my place.”
   “Yes ma’am.” As soon as he placed her back on her feet his phone began to ring.
   “Hello?” She watched as he listened and then. “I’m on my way.” He gave her an apalogic look and she smile.
   “Go do your thing baby.”
   “I'm sorry.” He said as he leaned down and kissed her.
   “It's okay. I know the importance of work.” He gave her another kiss and was off.
   Making her way home she had hired a bodyguard for the shelter until they got down to the bottom of the mystery man.

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