Chapter 25

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“Don't you think we should be talking about who's house we're moving into now?” Elise asked as they lay in bed the next morning.
   “That's easy. We buy a new house.” She looked up at him.
   “If we buy a new house then it has to be really big.”
   “Because I want more than one baby. I don't want to keep moving into a new house every time I get pregnant. So it mind as well be big from the beginning.”
   “Okay.” Tim said smiling. “A big house.”
   “With a big yard. We going to get a dog also.”
   “We are?” He asked chuckling. 
   “Yes. I mean not right now of course but eventually the kids are going to want a dog.”
   “Is it the kids or you that's going to want a dog?”
   “All of us.” She said laughing.
   “Okay big yard. I have a question.”
   “What's that?”
   “What about your house now? Don't you own it?”
   “Yeah. So?”
   “You don't mind that we're going to buy a different house?” He asked. 
   “I'm not attached to that house Tim. Owning a house was a goal of mine and I accomplished that goal. Congratulations to me. Now that that goal is out the way. My next goal is getting married to the man I love and moving into a house that we both want and love and raising our kids there.”
   “What a coincidence. Thats my goal also.” She chuckled. “But are you going to sell it?”
   “I can. I can either sell it or rent it out. Either is fine with me. But I'd probably sell it because with kids I wouldn't want to be bothered with collecting rent.”
   “So when are we going house shopping.” He laughed.
   “You ready now huh?”
   “This baby isn't going to wait so why should we?”
   “You have a point there. So this is my last month here then we will move into your house while we house shop.”
   “Sounds good to me.”
   “Have any ideas where we should move?”
   “Not far. The closer to your job the better.”
   “Sounds good to me.” He rubbed her stomach. “You're really trying to have ten kids though?”
   “Yes Timothy. Ten beautiful black babies. The more the better.” He laughed.
   “Are you sure about that?”
   “I at least want to head in that direction.”
   “Well we already begin. We're off to a good start.”
   “Yeah we're are.”
   “So are we getting married or buying a house first?”
   “Getting the house first young man. I’m not getting married with a huge belly. Besides since I’m pregnant now getting the house is more realistic.”
   “Well let's get started.”
   “Okay.” He sat up and she just stared at him.
   “After my nap.” She turned on her side and he laughed.
   “That bitch finally made it back to her house?” George said anode and angry. “When you get the chance, snatch her up.”
   “Yes sir.”
   “So how long its been since I've seen you?” Elise asked.
   “Approximately four hours.” Tim said smiling on the other side of the phone. 
   “Um I miss you already. How about lunch?”
   “I can do lunch.”
   “And a quickie.” Tim breath caught.
   “You're being naughty Elise.”
   “No. I just want my future husband to put me out of my misery.” She said as she walked. She told herself that at least a two mile walk would be fine for now. She just really wanted to stay in shape.
   “Yes ma’am I can do that for you.”
   “I don't know what’s come over me. I just been so tired and now I'm always horny.” She sighed and he laughed.
   “Well you won't have any complaints from me. Maybe having a bunch of babies won't be so bad after all.”
   “I bet.” She said laughing. But I don't have to be pregnant for you to get me in bed. Besides I want a year break between every baby.”
   “You have a deal.”
   “Where are you now?”
   “The park. I'm about to head back to the car. Never in my life have I gotten this tired before. You go on your break in an hour?”
   “Yes ma’am.”
   “I’ll see you then. Don't order anything I'll bring something.”
   “No argument here.” She suddenly stopped when the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. It couldn't be.
   “The last case I worked in Barbados. One of the men is here.”
   “What! Are you sure?”
   “Yes. I remember him.”
   I'm on my way. Get to the car.” Just as she was about to turn around the man looked and immediately seen her.
   “He saw me Tim. He fuckin saw me.” He screamed once he recognized her and motioned for two other men that was with him to chase after her. “Shit!” She took off running as fast as she could.
   “Elise. Elise talk to me.” 
   “The car is too far away Tim.”
   “Keep going baby please. I'm coming.” He motion for some men to come with him as he ran out the doors to the cop cars. Starting the car he turned on the sirens and was off. “Elise… talk to me. Where are you?”
   Elise moved as fast as her feet would take her. They were close by but not close enough to grab her and she wanted to keep it that way.
   At this point she thanked God for her training she took. She thanked God when she spotted her car. She could hear Tim calling her threw the earpiece but she had to save her breath. She had no doubt that if she wasn't pregnant that she would be able to outrun them with no problem but being pregnant was changing that thought.
   Just a few more feet Elise. She thought to herself. She stopped running when another man appeared near her car. Nathan. He was her only hope right now but she heard the men screaming at him and she looked at him in disbelief. He was with them? What the hell was going on? Forgetting the car she took off in a different direction.
   “Nathan is with them.” She said threw her earpiece.
   “What? Who's Nathan?” Tim asked. “I'm almost there baby.”
   “Hurry baby. These men are not going to let me live. Our baby Tim.” She was scared but she had to keep her cool. Seeing that she was trapped she kicked into her parkour. Praying that the trash cans were steady enough she took her chance. She boost up on the balcony and pulled herself up just as the men got to her.
   “You gotta do better than that.” She said to them as she took off running on top of a rough. “Fuckin dumb asses can't catch a pregnant woman.” She said and Tim smiled.
   “That's my girl. Two more minutes baby. Where are you?”
   “On a roof.”
   “How did you…? Nevermind.” He said as he remembered her parkour. “Stay on the roof…” She suddenly stopped running.
   “Dah.” She leaned over catching her breath. They wouldn't be able to get her up there. But seconds later a figure appeared on the roof also. “So much for that.” She took off running again.
   “Elise! Stop. We just want to talk.”
   “Fuck you Nathan.” Without thinking she hoped onto a shorter roof and begin making her way down the balcony.
   “How the fuck she do that.” He said trying to catch his breath.
   “Where is she?” The other men yelled.
   “She went that way!”
   “Your two minutes is up Tim. My ankle. I'm at the parking tower. Please Tim.”
   “I see it. I'm coming baby.” She was running up the drive of the parking tower. There was nowhere else to go but up.
   “I'm so tired…”
   “There is nowhere to hide.” The men were right behind here. “Tim.”
   He hoped out if the car taking off up the drive. It was blocked off so no cars could enter.
   “Elise!” He called. Before she could say anything else a sharp pain hit her. “Elise!” Tim called again. Gathering all her might she yelled.
   “Tim!” With that came another sharp pain. “Tim!” She wanted to scream but the pain prevented her. She could feel herself being lifted off the ground. She tried again. Tim. She couldn't. She was too weak.
   “Elise!” Tim screamed. “Elise. Baby say something. Elise. Please.” He looked around but nothing. “Elise!” How could she had disappeared so quickly?

   Tim paced back and forth as they waited to see if there were any surveillance in the parking tower. Where could they had gone? He was right there. Right behind her.
   If they harmed her he was going to kill every last one of them. But there was no blood. How did they get her? Why didn't he get to her? He punched a hole into the wall. How frustrating it was not knowing any answers.
   “Tim we need you in one piece. Is there anything you can tell us that will help us find your wife?” He tried to think hard.
   “Theodore.” He said remembering there conversation at the orphanage. He knew he swore to never tell but her life depended on it. He had to find her even if that meant breaking a promise. “Sam.”She works with these men. There cops.”
   “Good. This is a start. Let's find Theodore and Sam.” Tim's partener said.
   “I knew it. He hired men to follow her.” Sam said angrily. “You have any description of them?” He asked Tim.
   “No I didn't see them. They were already gone when I got there. Is there anything else you know about these guys?”
   “George. He is Tommy's brother. He came to avenge his brothers death. Since Elise was the reason his brother was killed he set out  going after her. That's why she went on the run a few months ago. We caught George but not his partners. This is our fault. We shouldn't allowed her to come.”
   “Yeah right Sam. Because of Elise we caught a damn lot of predators. She is the reason for this group. We're going to get her back. I put my life on it.” Tim liked how highly they thought of his fiance. He knew for a fact that he had them in his side. Now to face Barbara.

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