Chapter 6

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"Hello there young lady." Elise glanced up and shyly smiled at the much older man that was supposedly coming to meet a fourteen year old little girl. She had a fake profile and posed herself as a fourteen year old girl that was just out looking to make new friends and surprisingly and sickening at the same time a lot of older men contacted her trying to be her "friend." She knew the true motive and they definitely did also. With this guy that called himself Samuel she's been talking to him for just a few weeks before he offered to finally meet. Of course she agreed and he even allowed her to pick the place. She picked a casual spot. With some people but not overcrowded. She wanted to be able to catch him if he decided to run. She never got why people did this. Why did they risk their life and freedom for a little pleasure? The people on the other end. The pedifiles would call it being sick but she called it pure evil. She would never understand why a grown man would prey on a little girl and take her innocents. In today's day and age it was much easier to get to these young kids with how popular the internet is now. Even young boys now were being kidnapped and raped by these monsters.
   "Hi." She said in as soft of a voice as she could. She was sitting near the window at a booth in a coffee shop. While she did this she prayed her men still had eyes on her. Her team was spread around. Two outside pretending to be enjoying the wonderful weather and two inside. One sitting enjoying coffee and pretending to read the newspaper and last a women who recently joined them. She pretended to be a waiter. She use to work as a waiter so she looked like a natural. Her daughter was a victim of sexual abuse and although her daughter survived her abuser it took a huge effect on both their lives. They still live in fear even though the ordeal was over. She wanted to help other innocent people that was lowered in by a creep and that is how she came to be on the team. The team was small but they caught more pedifiles then they could count and although that is a big accomplishment it was still sad that there was so many creeps in the world and still are. It's scary to think that even someone as close as your next door neighbor could be a child melester or abuser in any sense. What was this world coming to?
   She watched as he slid into the seat across from her. She also noticed that he kept an eye open looking at his surroundings. This man knew what he was doing and something told her that she wasn't the first "little girl" he met up with.
   "Don't be shy with me now." He leaned over to get a better view of her face. Although she looked younger than her true age she still didn't want him to figure her out. Not just yet anyway.
   "You're more handsome in person then in your pictures I have." She said shyly.
   "Awe thanks." He had the nerve to be blushing. "Are you hungry?"
   "No thank you. Can't eat when I'm nervous."
   "You don't have to be nervous around me. I want us to be real good friends." He reach over and held his hand out wanting her to place her hand in his and she did just that cringing when there hands touched.
   "Are you okay?" He asked when he noticed it.
   "I really want you to like me." She lied.
   "I already like you darlin. I'm going to take real good care of you. What do you say we get out of here."
   "And go where?"
   "A hotel. Where we can have more privacy." He stood then held out his hand for her to take once they exited the building he felt a tap on his shoulder and you could just see the color drain from his face. He looked as if he was about to faint once he looked to see that Elise wasn't the little girl that she claimed to be.
   "You set me up." The cop that was on standby already put cuffs on him. "You bitch, you set me up."
   "You set yourself up." She said with a smirk. "You broke the law not me."
   "I want a lawyer."
   "You'll get a lawyer, but don't think you're going to win this case buddy." She watched as they placed him into the car and drove away. One more down. Hundreds to go. She thought to herself as her partner's gave her a pat on the shoulder for a job well done.

   "Good morning Handsome."
   "When did you get in?" John asked as Elise pranced into the kitchen.
   "This morning."
   "And you're up?"
   "Can't sleep."
   "When do you ever sleep?" She stopped as if she was really thinking about it.
   "I don't I guess." He chuckled as he took a sip of coffee.
   "Why do you get off your job so late?"
   "Because I want to make sure that everything is on tip top shape. That the kids are taken care of."
   "There can't be this much work in the world though. You said that you was going to be home in a few hours yet you didn't get here until the next morning." She just stood there with her arms folded and a smirk on her face.
   "Listen to you. Sounding like you really care. Like we're in a relationship or something."
   Realizing that he did sound like a nagging partner he quickly tried to defend himself.
   "No I was just saying that you could have at least called and said you wasn't going to come." She just continued to smirk at him.
   "Are we really having this conversation John?" He just shook his head realising that he dug a hole for himself.
   "Nevermind. Forget I even spoke."
   "I'll do that." He stood and left the kitchen.
   Later that day after coming from running errands she found John sitting in the living room.
   "You look so bored." She said and he looked over at her.
   "You have no idea."
   "You have no friends?" She asked teasingly knowing that he had a bunch of friends.
   "Yeah but sometimes you have to be alone.”
   "Even if that means being bored all by your lonesome?" He hunched his shoulders.
   "I guess so."
   "Well I can be your company. Unlike you I have no friends."
   "And why is that?"
   "All I do is work. Work. Work. Work is my motto."
   "Is that the only reason you have no friends?"
   "Are you about to be a sarcastic ass?" Chuckling he said.
   "No. No not at all."
   "But I do really want to know why don't you have any friends."
   "I have trust issues." She said as she turned to exit the room but he stopped her in her tracks with.
   "Do you have to ask why to everything?'
   "If I want to know the answer to it then yes." Shaking her head she said.
   "Well Mr. Noisy. My past have everything to do with that."
   "But there is no one that you trust?"
   "Of course I do. There's your mother. Your sister." There was a pause then.
   "Yes. We may bump heads but I trust you."
   "There goes that question again. I trust you because you never gave me a reason not to." He just gave a nod in understanding. Changing the subject she said. "Are you hungry?"
   "I am actually."
   "Cool. I'll throw something together real quick."
   "This is really good." John said as he took a bite of food.
   "Thank you."
   "So can I ask you something?"
   "You're good at that." She said and he chuckled before saying.
   "What do you trust about me?" She stared at him surprised that he even asked that question.
   "Everything." She said simply. "Like I said before you never gave me a reason not to trust you." After taking another bite of his food he said.
   "Aren't you going to ask me?"
   "Ask you what?"
   "Do I trust you?"
   "It doesn't matter if you trust me or not. I know who I am and I'm one hundred percent loyal to you."
   "Why do you say that?"
   "That I'm loyal to you?" He nodded his head.
   "Because I am. It needs to be explained?"
   "For me yes."
   "Well like I've been saying for years now. I'm in love with you John…” He shook his head.
   "That's nonsense."
   "Why is it? Because you don't feel the same for me? That's doesn’t stop how I feel."
   "Not that. Why? When?"
   "Love can't be explained. It's just there."
   "I don't understand this and I don't understand you."
   "You don't have to."
   "But why be in love with someone who doesn't love you back?"
   "You can't turn love on and off like a switch believe me I would if I could. But it just exist." She stood and placed her plate in the sink.
   "I don't understand."
   "Of course you don't." She said smartly. 
   "Women are so difficult."
   "Why are we difficult? Because we are willingly open to love and give our all? Because we care enough to want to see our partners happy? That we are not afraid?"
   "And you think men are afraid?"
   "Of love?. Yes. Of being affectionate? Yes. Of being seen less than a man? Yes."
   "On the contrary. I am not afraid of any of those things I just need to find a women I'm willing to give my all to."
   "And why can't that be me?"
   "Because you're not my type. No offence at all." He quickly added.
   "None taken." She lied. Of course she was offended. This man knew that she was in love with him and he just told her that she wasn't his type. Of course it hurted.
   "So what's your type then? Oh wait let me guess. The tall stick bright women with silky hair. Education doesn't matter as long as they look like a barbe right?"
   "You are so wrong about that. I don't care about the skin complexion and education is very important to me. I do care how the women that I am interested in dress and health is another thing with me."
   "A stick like I said."
   "No healthy."
   "Don't get salty because you don't agree with what kind of women I'm interested in."
   "It's not that I'm upset with the kind of woman you like. I’m upset that you're lying to yourself with the kind of women you like and date."
   "This conversation is over with. There is no reason for us to even be having it. I know what I like and it's not you." He  said angrily before he stormed out the kitchen.
   That night she silently cried. If he knew how his words cut then he wouldn't have said them. It felt as if someone stabbed a dagger into her heart repeatedly. Why was she in love with a man who hated her? That wouldn't do anything for her? What made her fall in love with such a man?

Hello please tell me what y'all think about this story and if I should finish it. I would really love some feed back.

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