1. Rebirth

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The day had ended and all the people rushed home to their loved ones, other than him. The world was peaceful and life was going well except for his headache.

Dong Fu felt like someone was slamming his head with a hammer. It's been eighteen hours since he felt a soft pillow under his head. The car had stopped at the red light signal, allowing people to cross the road. He lowered the window glass to breathe some fresh air.

A small girl, on a footpath by the road, held a balloon in one hand and was skipping, playing with her friend, as her mother kept watch on her.

She sang the poem 'Roses are Red, the Sky is Blue, Friends like You, Are very Few.' Dong Fu smiled looking at the cuties and forgot about his heavy headache for a moment. He closed the window glass as the car started moving forward.

"How long before we get there?" He asked pressing his temples.

"Just a few minutes more." Yu ran, his assistant replied. She looked into the rear-view mirror, "It looks like you have a headache, why don't you rest for some time?"

"You think he will rest? He is making me work like a donkey along with him." Sam glared at the handsome man sitting besides him, frowning. Zhang Ling aka Sam, was Dong Fu's best friend and General Manager of his company.

Dong Fu smiled looking at Sam's angry face, "Just a few days more, I will take a long vacation after that, you can have some free time to travel with your wife."

"Vacation your ass. You have been working without break for 6 months, not a single holiday. Is this the reason you told me to follow you and manage your business, to torture me?" Sam said as he tore the pages of the magazine in his hand.

Dong Fu snatched the magazine from Sam's hand, "Will you stop tearing my face of it?"

"My wife is threatening to divorce me because of you. I haven't been able to even kiss goodnight to her for two months now, travelling here and there." He grabbed the magazine back and tore it into small pieces, "top ten handsome businessmen... my foot."

Dong Fu smirked, "That is not my fault, besides you are earning more than any other person in the company. What are you fussing about?"

Sam threw a bottle at Dong Fu, "You have one big mouth, here drink your medicinal juice. Your sister dropped it earlier, I don't even know why you drink such a weird thing."

Dong Fu drank the bitter medicine that his sister's doctor friend had prescribed, to lower stress on his heart, "It's good for my heart, besides its tested, and there is nothing to worry about, I won't die so early." He drank a mouthful of green juice.

"Don't you dare talk about your death. If you really die, I will turn hell and heaven upside down and drag you back to life. I didn't give up my career in the entertainment industry so that you can find heaven at this age. Also, you need to find your little white rose." Sam said showing his tongue to him.

"White Rose? Who is that?" Yu Ran asked.

"Who else, his little mystery lover, who doesn't give shit about this guy here." Sam eyed his best friend up and down.

Dong Fu pressed his temples again, "Very funny, once I take a break, I will have enough time to ask...."

Before he could finish talking, Yu Ran interrupted, "We have arrived. l shall go and pick up your suitcase and meet you here later. Remember, your flight to Spain is at midnight."

"Don't forget to water my roses before you leave the apartment and leave Poko at my mom's place." Dong Fu instructed Yu Ran.

"You worry about your roses and a cat? Look at the state you are in, working all the time even when you know it's not good for your heart." Sam snorted.

Dong Fu smiled sweetly, "You do care about me."

"Of course I do, you are my cash cow, who earns money for me." Sam said as he left the door open for Dong Fu to step out.

Dong Fu patted Sam's shoulders, "The heart attack last time was a false alarm, I eat healthy foods and exercise daily, nothing will happen to me." He stepped outside but stumbled.

Sam helped him stand properly, "Are you alright? Your complexion doesn't look so good and you are sweating suddenly, I'll cancel the meeting." He reached out for his phone, but was stopped by Dong Fu. "I am fine." He walked towards the entrance, "Let's just finish this. I can rest on the flight later on."

"You know, you are overdoing it? This much of stress isn't good for your health." Sam hurried after him.

"My health is good, I am just 32, I have good stamina, you have to see me in bed."

"Pfftt....bed? Isn't it the other person spending more energy?"Sam teased him.

"Wipe that smug face of yours. I don't want to drag this project anymore, we are so close getting this deal. Earlier I finish, earlier I get to take a break and be with my little rose." Dong Fu replied with a smile.

"It's true what they say, love is blind." Sam followed.

Dong Fu rolled his eyes. The elevator was under repair so they had to take the stairs.

They reached on the second floor where the meeting was going to be held. They were walking in the corridor, when suddenly Dong Fu started feeling uneasy and his steps slowed down. He suddenly grabbed Sam's arm.

"What's wrong? Are you seriously feeling okay? Do you want to sit?" Sam asked with worried expressions."

Dong Fu didn't reply. His face had started losing color. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, like a thousand scissors tearing his heart all at the same time. He clenched his chest with his right hand.

He was sweating heavily, his legs felt weak and body started losing balance. Sam supported him and kept calling his name, asking around for help. However Sam's words became more and more faint, Dong Fu couldn't hear him anymore and his eyes closed slowly falling into deep darkness.


He could hear people talking; the voices sounded like they belonged to a man and a woman. They were in some sort of argument.

"How could you say that my nephew is brain dead?" the woman sounded upset and angry.

"Mrs. White, your nephew has been like this for more than a month now. We have delayed reporting his condition as a brain dead person, only because you have asked us not to. We have tried everything."

"No, you have not. I want you to redo all the tests. I lost my sister, I can't lose him too."

"He has a history of Psychiatric disorder..."

"Don't you dare say that my nephew is mentally ill. That has nothing to do with his accident or him not waking up."

'Mental disorder? Nephew? What car accident? I want to open my eyes but my eyelids feel so heavy. I want to rest, it's been so long I slept so nicely.'


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