7. 78 Millions

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Dong Fu recalled the conversation between his honey-money family members. Christin had mentioned to Robert, that they had no part causing Sui accident.

After Dong Fu woke up in the hospital, detectives came to question him. They queried if he had any enemies. Since Dong Fu didn't have any of the original body's memories, he wasn't of any help to them.

The detectives had mentioned to Dong Fu, that the taxi Sui was riding in was hit by a truck, which ran a red light. The taxi driver didn't survive and the truck driver abandoned his vehicle and ran away.

They found a lot of cash in the trunk of the taxi, along with a suitcase full of cloths and a fake passport. The truck driver was later caught trying to leave the country, he too had a fake passport and a lot of cash.

He confessed that someone paid him to hit the car, Sui was riding in and the taxi driver was an accomplice. He never thought the impact would kill his friend.

The driver later died of food poisoning, in the holding cell. After the truck driver died, the investigation came to a dead end.

Dong Fu thought for a while, the one who blackmailed the original owner needed him alive for some sort of information. There were less chances that they had anything to do with the car accident.

This concluded that there was a third party involved, he still would need more information to confirm his suspicion. Three enemies, one who blackmailed, one who is tried to kill him and last were his aunt's honey money family.

Dong Fu sighed. Here he had thought he would be able to live a blissful life. But unless he deals with these rats, he wouldn't be able to live in peace.

The whole day he browsed the internet for information on FW entertainment. The company was incorporated around seventeen years ago, by Feng Sara Jin and Ronald White who is elder brother of Richard White, F stood for Feng whereas W stood for White. At that time Feng Sui was only five.

The company was managed well by a CEO named Ling Xiao, who was employed by Sara Jin to manage the company. Later he was accused and punished for money laundering from the company and imprisoned for eight years. His property and wealth were ceased by the government. This incident happened after Sui's mom passed away.

Ronald's primary business was mining fossils and ores. At the later stages, he transferred some of his shares to his younger brother.

As on date Sui owned twenty-three percent of the shares, Richard White-owned twenty-two, whereas his elder brother owned six percent, which reasoned the White's to be the major shareholders. The rest of the shares were held by others outside the family .

With help of Richard's and Ronald's contacts in the States, many actors from the company received contracts from Hollywood. Over the years Richard had worked hard to bring the company under the top three in the country.

One reason was, for his son to take over it in the future, but his hands weren't entirely clean either.

Dong Fu looked at the dates and compared it with when his mom died and his lips curved up, "you dirty bastards."

Dong Fu didn't find the share certificates or any property deeds at the Springs Willow. His guess was they were kept at the warehouse or some other place. But he still had doubts, so he thought of visiting the haunted house once again.

There was a limit to what Dong Fu could dig up by himself. People would pay a huge sum to find the secrets of their competitors. He could only climb up the ladder in his past life because he eliminated all those who tried to harm him.

So he decided to contact the same guy he used to hire earlier, to get some juicy facts on the White's family.

But before he could do that, he needed to find Feng Sui's money, "I am not going to use it for me, I am going to use it to keep this human body safe." He told the empty air space in the haunted house. Just in case if the ghosts were there, keeping watch on him.

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