67. Fried or Steamed

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Dong Fu sat awkwardly on the metal chair. The chair was too hard and his waist was burning due to the previous day's activities. He had someone to thank for his condition. Not only was his waist sore, but he was also repeatedly spanked many times. His fluffy white buns were covered in a shade of red, like they had been baked in an oven.

Though there was a simple smile on his face, his waist felt like it was broken into two halves. He swore to never incite his man to be kinky ever again. He couldn't walk comfortably for two whole days. Liang was too rough and stopped doing him only after he had begged for mercy repeatedly, but continued after allowing the other a short break.

Although he wished he could rest for another day or two, there were important matters that he needed to take care of.

They were sitting in a small room. The walls were painted in a cloudy gray color. There was a metallic table in the center and three chairs, the rest of the room was empty.

It had been more than a month since Ling Xiao's lawyer had appealed to the court to release his client. Ling Xiao was now free of all the charges and out of prison. His lawyer proceeded with a civil lawsuit against Richard White for falsely framing him and defaming his name.

The only reason Dong Fu was here because Richard threatened to expose the truth about the millions he had stolen in the past. Now that he was already in prison, he hoped the company to go down with him.

Dong Fu's one hand rested on the table, his slender fingers tapping it slowing. The buzzer rang gaining the attention of the two men, in the direction of the door that was opened. Richard White wore a prison uniform, his face was pale and he seemed aged. He saw his lawyer alongside his nephew. That turned his expressions sour. He hated the young man. He had been tricked and everything was taken away from him. His business, family, luxury, and freedom. The cop who had brought Richard in, allowed him to take a seat in front of the two. Before leaving the room, he instructed the visitors not to touch the prisoner or pass on any items.

Richard cursed himself for being a fool. He wished he could turn the time back and make a different choice. Sitting in front of them, he looked like a homeless man. Dong Fu had a petite smile on his face, his eyes were soft and considerate. All he had was a look of pity in them.

"Why are you here?" Richard asked. The last time he had seen the young man while he was being dragged out of his house by the police a month ago.

"You sent a message through your lawyer, saying that you wanted to seek revenge against me." Dong Fu replied. "I am here to negotiate the terms."

Richard laughed with malice, "There won't be any negotiations. Do you think you can get away after ruining my life? You had promised that you would let me live in peace if I sold the shares, but you went back on your word."

"I never broke the promise, Richard. You are not here for the money you embezzled after you took over the company. You are here for the embezzlement you did and framed Ling Xiao in return for that." Dong Fu explained. "I kept the end of my bargain. The one who sent you to prison was the state and not me."

Richard sneered, "Hmmmm, Ling Xiao is your close keen. He and your mother were fuck buddies. You want me to believe that you didn't have your hand in it?"

Dong Fu narrowed his eyes, "What their relationship was, is none of your concern."

Richard shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever, I am already in prison. I won't let you live in peace. I will confess about the money I stole from the company. Once that happens your shares would value less than peanuts."

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