86. Unexpected Meet

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With a mask covering his face, Dong Fu sat in the far corner of the café. From time to time he glanced at his watch, apparently impatient. The ringing bell at the door reminded the people of a customer walking in. Dong Fu smiled, looking at the woman who had worn a gentle smile on her face. Ziyi was Sam's wife, who always had a simple yet elegant look.

Dong Fu rose from his seat, pulling a chair beside him to allow the lady to take a seat. "How have you been Feng Sui?" She asked in a soft tone. She placed her handbag on the table, adjusting herself to sit comfortably.

"Good." He replied, moving back to his seat. "I wasn't expecting you to call me all of a sudden. Is everything well at home? Has Sam been troubling you lately?" He asked humorously.

She lowered her head in embarrassment, making Dong Fu a little worried. He was meeting his best friend's wife behind his back and something told him, the conversation wasn't going to end well. It was Ziyi's request not to inform Sam about the same. He hoped he wouldn't turn into a bitch talking about people behind their backs. However, if it was serious, he hoped to help his friend. Ziyi's hands shivered a little, she was either scared or too nervous to speak.

"Everything is great, except I feel like I have lost my husband." She said slowly raising her head to the younger man.

Dong Fu was a little surprised, if the couple had problems, she should be talking about this to Sam and not him. This was so wrong, he cursed himself for accepting the invite and not letting Sam know about it.

He asked, keeping his cool, "Have you talked about it to Sam?"

She nodded, "I have tried before, but it doesn't seem to work. However, the problem only escalates. And I hoped you could help, I just want Sam back the way he was before."

Dong Fu raised his brows questioning her, "What do you mean?"

She bit her lower lip again, "This might sound funny, but my husband thinks that you are his dead friend."

Dong Fu stared at her, the cup he had raised to take a sip halted in the midair. He assumed she had accepted that he was. Was Sam wrong about it this whole time?

Ziyi chuckled, "I can see that you are shocked too. I hope you are not offended."

Dong Fu decided to go on with what she had to express. It was normal for someone not to believe such a thing. Science couldn't explain such a phenomenon, nor could he. Whatever happened to him was a bizarre phenomenon out of one's understanding.

She continued, "I hope whatever we speak today, remains between the two of us. I just want to help my husband get better."

Dong Fu nodded, "You can be rest assured, no stranger will know about this." Yeah, he mentioned stranger, Sam wasn't one. He was a person related to this conversation.

She smiled, looking outside the window. It looked like she was recalling a memory, "Sam and his best friend Dong Fu, they were more like brothers. I always felt like an outsider in their presence. They were very close along with their other friend Silver. But she was overseas. When I met Sam, I fell in love at first sight."

She grinned, looking back at Dong Fu, "Never did I believe in fairy tale stories, but Sam was a prince from one of those books." Dong Fu smiled, but inside he just wanted to gag. He couldn't wait to call Sam and tease him about it, a FAIRY TALE character.

She continued, "Their relationship was weird, Sam knew every little thing about Dong Fu, from what he liked to eat, to wear, his habits, favorite things, his whole life. When I found out Dong Fu preferred men," she laughed, "You will call me a jealous woman."

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