Chapter Twenty Five

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Hey everyone... I hope you all enjoy and have an amazing weekend! <3

All at once the pack members unfroze and it was like a blanket of calm had spread across the grounds. I looked up at Xavier, hoping he could give me some insight into what was going on but it was all made clear to me when Jax uttered two words that made my blood pump hot and cold all at the same time.

"They're coming".

Blaines POV

At first nothing happened, it was as if the pack had been frozen to the spot they were standing, but then in a blink of an eye everyone was moving at once. One minute it was quiet enough to hear a cricket chirp in the background, the next it was so noisy with people barking orders left, right and centre that I couldn't figure out what any of them were saying. They all seemed to know what was happening though, probably because of the mind link, because they all suddenly broke off in unison into their own respective parts of the forest.

I debated who to follow, seeing as no one had verbally told me what the plan was, but in the end I just decided to follow Xavier. Anna would be fine without me I concluded as I saw her being escorted out of the training field by a group of fifteen warriors, blanketing her from view with their size. I watched her leave with a trickle of fear lacing its was through my spine. She would be fine, I told myself again before I turned in the opposite direction and followed Xav who had shifted into his grey wolf.

I paused for a second, debating whether or not I should change out of my clothes before shifting. They weren't mine after all and the last thing I wanted to do was destroy some of Hannas clothes, that and the fact that I wouldn't have any clothes available to me if I needed to shift back into my human form. I rolled my eyes at the stupid thought and quickly shifted before running to catch up with everyone else, they were just clothes, if she was really that fussed about them I could just buy her some more.

Thankfully I still was linked to the pack through Xavier, us being mates meant we could communicate without the need of me being officially introduced into the pack. If there was anything that I needed to know, he would tell me.

'What's the plan?' I asked Xavier through the link as I ran along beside him, easily keeping up with the speed he'd set.

He growled slightly as he looked over at me, clearly not happy that I had followed him 'Blaine what the hell are you doing? You were supposed to follow Anna so that you don't get hurt'.

I scoffed at his words, not really believing that he was even saying that at a time like this. 'And what... watch helplessly from the sidelines whilst everyone else gets to fight for their pack? Hell no, there is no way I am going to let this pack, my home, go down just because I'm supposed to sit back and let others fight for me all because I'm a Beta' I growled.

'It's not because you're the packs Beta-' he started to explain but I cut him off.

'So is it because I'm a female then? Is that it? Just because I'm a girl it does not mean that-'

'NO!' he growled in my head before skidding to a stop, the rest of the warriors carrying on without us. 'It's not because of your gender or your status I just... you were supposed to follow Anna so that you had some line of defence. I-I've lost my sister and my parents to these rogue attacks and there is no way I am going to lose you too' he muttered.

His voice got softer as his speech went on, almost as if he was breaking at the mere thought of losing me. I whined and slowly closed the distance between us until my nose was touching the side of his snout, hoping the contact would bring him some form of comfort. 'You're not going to lose me Xav, not anytime soon' I reassured him as I took a step back so that I could look into his bright golden eyes. 'Just let me know the plan next time yeah?' I laughed 'Besides I'm too good to let anyone even touch me anyway' I grinned before turning around and started trotting in the direction we were originally heading.

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