Chapter Thirty

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Anna sighed as she ran her hand over her forehead before looking right into Blaine's eyes. "I found an underground, illegal fighting ring".

Xavier's POV

"I'm sorry a what now?" Blaine exclaimed, disbelief lacing her tone. I was right up there with her, I had no idea what Anna was talking about.

Anna sighed as she ran her hand across her forehead, clearly struggling slightly. "I'll go get you something to help with your headache" Jax muttered close to Anna's ear before kissing her on the temple and rushing off to the kitchen, where he knew I kept my medical supplies.

Anna didn't restart up again until Jax had returned with a few pills and a glass of water to help her wash them down. What she had found out about Blaine's family, she obviously thought our Alpha needed to know about it, otherwise she would have started without him.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, just hearing the words illegal fighting club you just knew it was going to be bad.

"What did you see Anna?" Jax prompted as he took her hand in his, comforting her anyway he could. Anna was clearly shaken, you didn't have to be overly observant to work that one out.

"Well... it started of with this cave type thing at the bottom of a mountain range, I'm not quite sure where it was specifically thought. Then there were a few weeds and vines covering a doorway, keeping it hidden from passersby. When I walked in the first thing I noticed was the smell, it was a mix between a shady bar and a cell block. The stench of beer, urine and blood was so thick in the air I almost threw up". She cringed suddenly, as if the memory of the smell alone was enough to make her gag again.

"I made my way through all these different deserted corridors, it was like nothing I had ever seen before. You could tell that they were man made tunnels and rooms, someone must've come across the cave a while back and decided to convert it into something bigger. There wasn't much lighting around so I couldn't make out a lot of features about the place but I could tell I was walking through some form of holding cell. There were doors leading everywhere and after  looking inside a few, through what I'm assuming were their little feeding slots, I found wolf after wolf just lying there, motionless on the ground".

"Most of them had some form of injuries on them, only superficial ones but enough to know that they were being harmed in some way. They also had collars on, of all different sizes and colours. They paid me no attention though, they just stared off into space with this ghostly look in their eye, as if they were there but not all at the same time."

"I eventually made it to the end of the corridor and found myself in a huge room, bigger than I thought a cave could go, and that was when I figured out what was going on. In the middle of the room held a boxing ring of some sorts, it was bigger than your average ring though and it had a chain link fence surrounding the edges and on the top, creating some form of cage. Blood stained the floors and claw marks were scratching into the floors surface, looking like wolves had been dragged somewhere or something".

"I was just about to leave, creeped out by what I had seen, when I was hit from behind. Thankfully the Goddess got me out of there before anything serious could happened".

"Before anything serious? Anna you were knocked over the head, punched in the face and attacked by some wolf, I'd hardly say you got out before anything serious" Jax exclaimed, obviously not overly impressed with the way Anna played it down.

"Jax I'm fine, seriously it wasn't as big of a deal as you're making it out to be" Anna reassured him as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Then explain the claw marks" he growled as he shifted slightly, obviously feeling on edge at the mere mention of his mates injuries.

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