Chapter Forty One

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"Oh the name is Benjamin by the way, Benny for short though" he shrugged as he ran his hand through his beard.

Xavier's POV

'Blaine, any idea who this guy is?' I asked her, not taking my eyes off the person who clearly called the shots around here.

'No idea' she relied as she too kept her eyes locked onto the man in front of us.

"Oh don't act like that" the man laughed as he looked over at Blaine. "After all, if it wasn't for your sorry excuse of a father we could have been family" he laughed. Even though he laughed through his statement there was an evil glint in his eyes that told me he was anything but amused.

I heard Blaine growl next to me and I quickly stepped in front of her slightly, whether it was to protect her or him though he didn't know. She could give as good as she got in a fight and while I would pay to see her wrip this guys throat out I didn't want to see what his little goonies would do after their boss had been killed.

"Oh come on Blaine, it's not every day you get to meet the man who should have been your father".

By now I was beyond confused. Not only was his science way off when thinking that genetically he could be her father, but also how twisted his brain was thinking that he could ever have been with her mum after she had already found his mate.

'Blaine what's he talking about, do you know?'

'I can make a wild guess yeah' she sighed 'he's probably the Alpha my mum had been set up with back before she met my dad. Remember she had gone to his pack to meet the new Alpha to be married off to him and found my father there instead?'

'And he left his pack stranded purely because he didn't get what he wanted?' I asked, shocked that an Alpha would ever do anything so selfish.

"Get them some clothes someone" Benjamin suddenly yelled as he pointed at a random guy, "them talking through their link is really started to piss me off" he growed.

The man scurried off in the hunt for some spare clothes. He was gone only a few short minutes before he came running back in, a T-shirt and two pairs of shorts clutched in his hand.

"Put those on, not being able to see your facial reactions is grating on me".

I wasn't sure I liked the idea of us shifting out of our wolf form, but it wasn't like we had much of a choice in the matter. With a number of guns pointed in our direction and the main man staring us down with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face, I held my chin up as I began to shift.

'Blaine wait until I've finished and then hide behind me so that these freaks do get a show' I told her, hoping for once that she'd do as she's told.

I quickly sipped the pair of cut off jean shorts on and turned around so that I could hold the top up for Blaine to hide behind.

"Come on love... give us a show" one of the creeps hollered whilst others around us wolf whistled.

I could feel my eyes swirl gold at the disrespect they were showing my mate but managed to keep a hold on my wolf long enough until Blaine had managed to tug the top over her head and pull the draw strings of the trackies they had given her. I growled when I got a whiff of another man's scent on the clothes but didn't act on my anger as we both turned round to face Benjamin, me standing slightly ahead of Blaine just in case anything went down.

"Better" was all he said as he looked over the both of us.

"What the hell do you want with us?" I demanded as I stared the guy straight in the eye "you said so yourself, your little business is over, so why keep us here?"

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