Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Oh Marie, what have they done to you?" I whispered as I watched her lay there on the metal floor, convulsing slightly from the electrical currents still running through her body. "But don't worry, we're going to get us all out of here" I muttered as I looked up at Anna.

Xavier's POV

We hadn't found anything of relevance since the girls had left. When I first found out that Blaine had gone off and was searching the hallways and caves without at least telling me first I had been fuming. Jax had to tell me to calm down as my body language and attitude had started to draw some unwanted attention. If I was being honest I couldn't believe that Jax had been okay with Anna heading off on her own to begin with. He had talked me down though and we were now walking around the edges of the large cave type room trying not to look suspicious and out of place.

I knew that the others from our pack who had joined us were also within the room but it was so jam packed full of people I was having a hard time finding any familiar face.

"Stop fidgeting man, you're going to give us away" Jax muttered next to me as he took a swig from the beer he had bought from the bar. He said it was to try and help us blend in but I think it was more to try and ease his nerves about him and Anna being apart. He knew the Goddess would take care of her though, hence why he wasn't storming off and looking for her as we speak.

"I can't help it" I defended myself as I again swept the room for any sign of someone or something out of the ordinary. "Not knowing where she is or whether she's in danger or not is really setting me on edge" I grumbled as I ran a hand through my hair and along the back of my neck.

"I get it man but just try to take it easy. You have the mate bond now, not only that you have a blood bond, use it to your advantage" he said as he slapped his hand on the back of my shoulder.

"That's great advice and all but if you haven't noticed we haven't exactly been mated all that long, I'm not even one hundred percent sure on how it even works yet" I sighed. Jax was right in the sense that we did share a strong bond with each other, one the Goddess thought was needed for us to get through being with each other, but without practicing and truly understanding one another there was no way of telling how this thing works. It's not like a one size fits all type thing, every mated pair was different and ever bond linking that pair was different.

"Just try alright?" Jax sighed as took another drink and sidestepped a huge bald guy wanting to get past us. "You've probably read every book known to us about the blood bond, surely that must count for something? Just try something easy like focusing on her emotions, I know that helps me stay calm when Anna's away from me. Like right now for example I can tell that she's a little confused as well as on edge and upset but it tells me that she's not in any danger, if she were she'd be feeling scared".

"You're keeping tabs on her?" I chuckled as I raised my eyebrows at him. "Does she know this or does she think you're just being a super supportive and trustworthy mate".

"I trust her!" He defended but otherwise didn't say anything. In other words no she doesn't know and if she finds out he is in the dog house, excuse the pun.

I snorted but quickly shut up as a saw out of the corner of my eye a group of less than friendly looking guys looking in our direction. "Jax three o'clock" I mutter as I turned around with my back to them so Jax could get a look at them without it being to obvious. "Think it's anything we need to worry about?" I asked but before Jax could respond a flash of fear shot through my system making my body freeze up and my pupils dilate.

It wasn't the fact that the fear itself put me on edge and almost paralyzed me, it was the fact that the unmistakable chill of fear wasn't my own, it was Blaine's.

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