Chapter 1: I Thought You Were Dead

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I was able to sneak into the room while Riley was waiting in a building nearby for us. I look over at the bottom bunk bed and see a familiar red haired boy, sleeping soundly in a red and white striped tank top and boxers. I smiled at how peaceful he looked but I needed to wake him up, Riley and I had a surprise for him.

I go over to the bed until I got to the end of the bed, where he had his head laid on a pillow. Then I leaned down close to Elliot then made some growling sound before I leaned into his neck, kinda like I was gonna bite him. He yelps in surprise and fear then he pushes me down on the ground, pulls out his switchblade and points it at me. Me, I just sat there and laughed at this, while laughing through the pain in my hip that is.

"(Y/n)?" Elliot said, shocked and confused. "Ow...I landed on my hip." I said, laughing still, as I get up. "What the hell? I thought I was bitten." Elliot said as lowers his blade. "I was kinda awesome." I laughed then I noticed he still had his blade out. "You're not gonna kill me are you?" I asked. He scoffs at me then closes up his switchblade and puts it back under his pillow.

"I haven't seen I don't even know how long." He said, slightly annoyed. "Forty-five days." I replied, quickly. "Well...forty-six, technically. Wanna know what I've been up to?" I asked Elliot.
Elliot looks at me then shakes his head, slightly in disbelief. "All this time--I thought you were dead." He said, softly, I give a small frown at this. "Yeah..." I said then I start to take off my pendant and hand it over to him. "Here...look." I said as I hand him the pendant. He takes it then looks it over as he sees the Firefly logo on it. "No way." He whispers in disbelief as I look up at the top bunk bed to see nobody sleeping in it.

"Still no roommate?" I exclaimed. "I had to sleep under Liz for three years and damn did that girl smell bad." I said as Elliot flips over the pendant and sees my name on the back. "You're a Firefly." He said as he looks over at me. "Yeah...and so is Riley." I said and he scoffs in disbelief while I look at the wall and see a photograph of Elliot, Riley and I.

Elliot was in the middle of the picture, his arms around our shoulders, while Riley was on his right, holding up the camera we found. I was on his left, my head resting on his shoulder, all three of us were smiling.

I smiled, fondly, at the picture as I take it off the wall and examine it a bit closer. "You still have it up." I said as Elliot runs past me and goes to the door. "What?" I asked him. He opens it and looks out of it as I turn to him. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He turns to me then closes the door before he replies. "I'm making sure I don't get caught with a Firefly in my room." He replied, flatly, as he walks up to me.

"Relax. There are no soldiers on the entire floor." I assured him and he scoffs again at me then he hands my pendant back in my hand. "Here. Congrats." He said in a flat tone, like he didn't care. "Hey..." I said as I hold his hand and he looks up at me. "Are we cool?" I asked him. His jaw drops slightly as he yanks his hand out of mine and looks at me like he couldn't believe what I just said.

"Are we cool?!" He said, angrily, then I nodded as I realized that he was still mad the way Riley and I left. "Riley and I dissapeared and you're mad--" I said, slightly nodding. "Yeah..." he scoffs. "And we owe you an explanation. Let's get outta here. Riley's waiting for us and we'll tell you all about it." I said to him as I turn around and looked through his clothes and found some pants. "It's almost morning and I have military drills. You know, where we learn how to kill Fireflies." He said, angrily, as I turn to face him and toss the pair of jeans to him. "Put some pants on and let's go." I said and I walk towards the door as Elliot rolls his eyes and let's out a growl.

"I'm so dumb." He grumbles as he goes to his bed and puts the pants on. "Now, c'mon. When have we ever gotten into trouble?" I asked, smiling. He rolls his eyes at me then puts on his pants and shoes on and follows me out of his room.

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