Chapter 11: Patching Joel Up

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"Shit. C'mon, gimme something." I muttered, frantically, as Elliot and I look around some drawers. "Fuck!" Elliot growled at another empty drawer then I pull open a drawer to see a roll of duct tape. "Here we go!" I exclaimed. "You find something?" Elliot asked me. "Yeah!" I said as I hold up a roll of duct tape. He sighs with relief and we run over to Joel, who was laying on top of an old door we found and decide to use as a pallet for him to lay on.

We took shelter in an old mall and started to look around for supplies and find anything that could help us save Joel.

"Okay." Elliot said as we kneel beside Joel. "We're gonna put you on your side." Elliot said to him and I pushed him up to his side. He lets out a grunt as Elliot pulls up his shirt and my jaw drops at the hole on his abdomen. "Shit...." I muttered as Elliot reached behind him and place one of his shirt over Joel's wound, like it was a bandage. Then I used the duct tape and taped the shirt to Joel's side, hooting that will slow down the bleeding.

"Okay." We said and Elliot pulls down his shirt to cover up our homemade bandage then we placed him back on his back. Joel groans and breathes heavily as we set him on his back. "That should buy us some time." Elliot said to him. "We're gonna find something to stitch you up, okay?" I said to Joel.

"Callus, Fiona....keep an eye on him." Elliot said to the horses as we get up. We go towards the gate and both of us pull it up, opening it, then duck and turn around to and stare at Joel. "We'll be back soon. We promise." Elliot said to Joel and we shut the gate.

I place a padlock on the gate and lock it with a key. "We totally got this." I said to Elliot as I pocket the key and take some deep breath. "Yeah....yeah, we do." Elliot said as I look over at him and nod. " where the fuck do we go?" I asked as we turned around to face the rest of the mall area. "Good question." Elliot muttered as we started running up the old escalators, leading us up the second floor.

We look around the floor until I saw a Mall directory, which was a sign that tells us what shops they had and where to go. I run towards it and look it over. "Weston's Pharmacy." I said as I point at the name of the store. "That sounds promising." Elliot said as I look to see where to go. "It's not that far. Just go straight forward and on the left." I muttered and we start to head towards that direction.

We come up to the store to see that it's gate was half opened so both of us had to crouch and walk under the gate then stand back up. "Okay, if we spread out we might be able to look through this store faster." Elliot said and I nod at him and we separate and look through all the shelves.

"What the hell? Did you just swallow the pills and leave the bottle?" I grumbled as I look through a shelf and Elliot looks through another. He found a pill bottle then picked it up and shake it but of course nothing. "Come on." He growled as we continue with our search.

"Of course. Everything's picked clean." I exclaimed after a few minutes of searching. "(Y/n), over here!" Elliot shouts and I go over to him. He was behind the counter and looking through a door. I walk up next to him and he points through the window. "First aid kit." He said and I smiled then I grab the handle but it was locked. "Of fuckin' course." I muttered, angrily.

"How the fuck do we get inside?" Elliot asked and I shake my head. "See if you can find a key or something." I said and we looked around the counter.

"Hey, I found a note." Elliot said and he shows it to me.


Pharmacist went crazy and attacked me. I hit him pretty hard. He's unconscious. I locked him in the American Princess store next door.




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