Chapter 2: Left Behind

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Elliot's jaw drops as he looks to see the carousel, which was lite up brightly. "Are you kidding?" Elliot asked in awe as he stares at the carousel. "Told ya!" Riley and I said, in unison. "Wait! Won't the soldiers spot the mall being all lit up?" Elliot asked us. "Nah. The exterior lights don't work." I replied as we walk up to the carousel. "How do you know?" He asked. "This Firefly, Melanie told us all about it." Riley said as we come up to the control panel.

"This looks fancy." I said as I look over the carousel. Riley turns to Elliot and said. "Wanna try it?" He walks up to the carousel and gets up on one of the horses. I smiled when Riley nudges me with her elbow. "What?" I said and she gestures towards the carousel with her head. "Go ahead and join him." She said. I smile and shake my head as I make my way up to the carousel and get on the horse next to Elliot.

"Okay." I said as I get on the horse. "Ya!" I exclaimed and Elliot chuckles. "Are you guys ready for this?" Riley asked us. "What are we doing?" Elliot asked then Riley flips a switch and we hear gears screeching and groaning as the machine begins to move. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Elliot said in shock while I laugh as we slowly start to move. 

"Riley! C'mere!" I exclaimed to her. "No, you guys got this. Go!" She said as she watches us go pass her. Elliot and I exchange a look and I smiled and laughed as the horses started to move up and down as well. "This is awesome!" Elliot exclaims and we laughed as we go around and come back to meet up with Riley.

"Come on! Sit on that horse behind us." Elliot said to Riley. She gets on and goes to one of the horses. But once she got on, the carousel slowed down then stopped moving. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" Riley said, upset. "Oh man!" Elliot said, sadly. "Bummer." I said just as the carousel stopped completely.

"I just got on! LIVE!" She bellows and I chuckle as we look over at her. "Phooey." She grumbles. "Well, I loved it, so there." Elliot said and I nodded. "Yeah, it was great." I said and Riley shakes her head then I realized something.

"Oh!" I said and I dig into my pocket and pull out a book. "We got something else." I said as I open the book and flip through the book. "Oh here we go!" Riley said, excitedly. "What is that?" Elliot asked me, curiously.
I smiled at him then cleared my throat. "What did the triangle say to the circle?" I recited and Elliot gasped. "What is that?" He asked, the excitement growing in his voice. "You're so pointless." I said, finishing the joke, and Elliot's smile grew bigger. 

"Fuck you, you guys found another pun book?" Elliot asked, excitedly, and Riley laughs out loud at this. "What did the cannibal get when he showed up to the party late?" I asked and Elliot raises his head as he thinks this over. "Uuhhhmmm." He said, thinking, before I shout. "A cold shoulder." And the three of us began to laugh out loud. I close the book and hand it to Elliot. "Here. It's for you." I said.

"You know, you two might just be my favorite people again." He said as he flips through the book. "Just saying." He said as he looks over at us then winks at me. "Hey, we know our man." Riley said as she jumps off of the horse. Elliot and I look at each other and I wink at him as we jump off of the horses and walk off of the carousel.

"Hey." Elliot said as he places a hand on my shoulder. I turn to him just as he continues. "Thanks for getting this for me." He said, softly, and I felt my face burn up. "You're welcome." I whispered as he puts the book in his bag and we stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever until we hear the familiar female voice over the speakers, making hs jump and look up

Attention. The six AM shifts starts in ten minutes. All drafted citizens must report for duty.

"I hate that lady. Why does she have to sound like such a dick?" Elliot said as we start to walk. "I know, right?" I said. "Here's how I'd do it..." Riley said. She clears her throat then starts to talk in a slow but almost in a sexy way. "Attention. The six AM shift starts in ten minutes." 

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