Ideas of Ways to Introduce Characters to Each Other

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by one saving the other

by saving each other

by meeting through a mistake/drunken incident

through an event/special occasion (funeral, wedding, birthday, etc.)

being introduced to each other through their friends

by doing a good deed, causing the favor to be returned

by getting placed in a group together

by picking on one another/assaulting them out of rage

by getting sent to them on a quest of sorts

through average day-to-day activities

one breaks into the other's run-down abandoned-looking house bloodied wet

and near death, then have the other save them and ultimately fall in love with them

by one getting sent to kill the other but falling in love with them instead

by them having to work together to get out of a situation

by one being in a situation, helpless, and the other feeling bad and helping them out

by them waking up handcuffed to each other

by meeting in a bar and getting challenged to a drinking contest, forgetting what happened, and slowly falling in love

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