Chapter 5: Harvest Fest

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A few months later

An hour has passed since I was tucked into bed, and now was the time to leave. I slid out of my nightgown and into a faded dress. I also grabbed a bonnet and tied it on. I grabbed my basket and creeped out my room and into the library.

You might be wondering why I was doing all of this. Tonight was a special night. It was Harvest Fest. It the first day after the harvest, and the entire village celebrated. It was also Theodore's birthday.

We made a plan for me to join Harvest Fest. I was all dressed up, and Theodore was waiting for me. I'm so excited for the festival. I loved them in my past life, but wasn't able to go because of my illness. But now I can finally go to one again.

I arrived at the ladder to Theodore's house and banged on the hatch. It opened up and Theodore popped out.

"You came! Also, where did you get the clothes?" He said as he pulled me up.

"I borrowed it from one of my maids. How do I look?" I said spinning around in a circle.

"You look cute! You still need some shoes though." Theodore said with a blush, pulling out a pair of scuffed boots.

"Really? Thank you!" I said while blushing.

"Of course, you need a good pair of shoes for all the dancing." Theodore said

That wasn't what I was saying thanks to, but I just smiled and put my shoes on.

"Before we go, take this. It's your birthday present." I said handing him my basket.

Theodore gasped and said "Are these cakes? Thank you!"

"It was nothing. What type of friend would I be if I didn't get you a present." I said sheepishly.

Theodore shook his head and said "No really. You got me sweets. I love them. So I need to thank you." He said putting down the basket.

"You don't have to do th-" I managed to get out before Theodore kissed me. This was my first kiss in both lives. And it was with a six year old. I quickly pulled away. Theodore looked confused.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Well . . . uh we're too young to kiss. And you can't just do out of no where okay!" I said back, not making eye contact.

"Oh okay Maria. I'll wait until were old enough then. Let's go to party now." Theodore said grabbing my hand and basket of cakes.

He lead me the ladder to his house. It was small and and very crowded. He lead me to a cart were the rest of his family was. He told his parents about me soon after I started visiting every night. They were so kind, and his little sister Alice was sooo cute. I talked with them as we made our way to the village.

As we got closer I could hear music. We stepped into a small village center. A big fire was burning in the center and people were dancing around it. I saw a band playing next to a table of food. I saw colorful flags hanging everywhere. It was beautiful.

I danced with Theodore for hours and sang along with the songs. I ate so much delicious food that I felt sick. While resting, I talked with other people in Theodore's village. I met the village elder and healer. They were both kind and smart.

As dawn started, everyone left for home. This was the first time I ever saw a sunrise. It was beautiful. I tried my best to stay awake on the ride back home. But I feel asleep leaning on Theodore. Eventually we got to the farm, and I started my long journey back home.

When I got my room and changed into my nightgown. I then crashed on my bed and fell asleep. I dreamt about partying, and warmth, and happiness, and most of all, Theodore's amazing smile.

New World, New Life, New Me (OLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt