Chapter 13: Happy Birthday

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Silence was what followed. It was sickening. I felt like fainting. Or running away. I was about to bolt when the Queen spoke.

"Maria Bonaparte has the poison magic, space manipulation magic, and . . . healing magic."

The crowd remained silent. I couldn't tell if they were more shocked that I had three types of magic, or that one of them was healing magic. Both were extremely rare.

"So it seems that we have a child that was graced by God. And a Bonaparte child no less! I say this is a reason to celebrate. Start the music again!" The King declared.

The ballroom was filled with the sound of music, and the gossiping of the nobles. As I steeped down the stairs to the thrones, I could feel their eyes on me. Before they looked in curiosity. Now it was something else. I just wanted it to stop. I just wanted Theodore to be here. Maybe then the pit in my stomach would go away.

The boys crowed around me, each asking me a dozen questions. They asked me to show them my magic. But I didn't know how. I would have to get another tutor to teach me. But that would come later. Right now I just had to get through the night.

And I did. Just barley though. I thought the pit in my stomach was because I was hungry, so I just ate food and listened to the boys talk about their magic.

"My magic is plant and animal. It's not the coolest magic, but they make great friends so I don't mind." Jack told me

"I've got fire manipulation!" Author shouted

"You only have one magic? I thought all nobles had two?" I asked

Author glared at me while Jack and Blake laughed

"I have poison and wind manipulation. I think that could go well if your poison manipulation, right Maria?" Blake asked.

I nodded. I didn't say much because of all the food I was stuffing in my mouth, but I didn't have much to say anyway.

Finally, the party ended, and we rode back home in the carriage. I fell asleep on the way home, so Blake carried me to my bed. I woke up as he laid me down and heard him say

"You looks calm when you're asleep. Hard to believe that you have so much power. Goodnight Maria."

Then he gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out to his room. I waited a few more minutes before changing into my nightgown and making my way to Theodore. Even though I was home, I still felt the pit in my stomach.

By the time I got to Theodore's home, I was so tired that I could barley walk. But I felt better when Theodore reached out his hand and pulled me up the ladder.

"You look really tried. I guess you danced too much?" He said with a smile

I nodded, before tears started falling down my face. "Why am I crying? Nothing bad happened. I'm with Theodore now." I thought.

"Shh, shh. Are you okay? You don't look to good, come sit down next to me." He guided me down to the floor, and I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"What happened?"

"I learned what my powers are. Poison, space manipulation, and healing,"

"Why do you look so sad if you have so much amazing power?" Theodore asked. "I bet I could do a lot of cool stuff with magic like that."

"It's not that. When my magic was shown, everyone looked at me different, like I was an alien. I felt so sick and alone and afraid. And then everyone asked me questions and I just couldn't answer them. I have all these powers, but I don't know what to do with them. I'm afraid that I'll do something bad with them."

We sat in silence for a moment, him thinking over what I said. Finally he spoke,

"It's okay. It might be scary with all your new powers, but I know you can work though it. You would never hurt someone with them, at least intentionally. It's okay to be scared, but just know I'll always be there for you."

I looked at Theodore and thought "Will you? I still don't know my fate in this world. What if I do use my magic for bad. I'm scared of so much more than I can tell you."

But then I looked into his warm brown eyes, and felt safe. The pit disappeared, and I finally felt calm for the first time that night.

"Thank you Theodore. Thank you so much." I said

"You don't have to thank me for this." He said, "Oh wait, let me get you your birthday present." He stood up and pulled me to a corner of the basement.

"Tada!" He said as he put something on my head.

It was a flower crown made of purple flowers. "It's beautiful! I love it so much, thank you Theodore!"

I hugged him and he hugged me back. It felt nice to be in his arms, but I pulled away. It was late, and I really needed to sleep. So with a goodnight to Theodore, I walked back home.

I collapsed onto my bed, and fell asleep after the long day with a smile on my face and the flower crown on my head.

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