Chapter 21: All together again.

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As we walked to the front gate, I could feel the tension in the air. Blake and Mason haven't really gotten along since I was poisoned, so it made our tutoring sessions very awkward. Hopefully it'll be better with Blake's friends. Though it wouldn't really matter to me anyway.

At the front gate, the royal carriage already arrived. I saw a glimpse of the king before I was bombarded by Jack and Author.

"Maria how have you been?" Jack asked.

"I hope you haven't been too sad while I wasn't around!" Author said with a smug grin.

"Ahem, I thought you guys came to see me?" Blake asked.

"Oh sorry Blake!" Both said at the same time.

"Hey, whose that guy?" Author asked, pointing to Mason.

"Me. Oh I'm just the poison tutor." Mason paused "And Maria's new friend."

"Excuse me!" Blake, Jack, and Author yelled.

And I would've too, but I saw the opportunity to talk to the king, who was walking to the door.

"Hello your highness. Are you here to talk to Mrs. Silvia?" I asked.

The king turned back to me with a smile, "Of course, and will you be joining us?"

"Oh yes, I would love to your highness!" I said.

"Wait Maria, where are you going? I thought you would be spending the day with us?" Jack asked.

"Oh well, I have a very important lesson with Mrs. Silvia today, so I'll have to catch up with you guys later." I said.

"Oh . . . well, see you later then." Jack said looking down at the ground.

Oh no, I made the prince sad! I have to think of something to make him happier.

"While I'm gone, you guys can go practice your magic, then when I get back you could show them off to me." I said.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Maria." Mason said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to show off how much better my magic is than these losers!" Author said.

"It wasn't meant to be a competition." Jack said.

The boys started arguing again, so I went inside to catch up with the king.

New World, New Life, New Me (OLD)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora