Chapter 15: Meeting Mrs. Silvia

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Today was the first day I would be training with my new tutors. But before that, I would study my space manipulation magic under Mr. March.

My time with Mr. March was like all my other tutoring sessions with him. The only thing that changed was that I learned techniques for space manipulation. He said I would have to learn the basics before I actually use my magic.

After a quick tea break, I went into my tutoring session with Mrs. Silvia, hoping that it'll be easy like Mr. March's.

But when I stepped into her study room, I could tell that wasn't the case. The room was dark and gloomy, and the floor was wet with potions, the glass from the bottles mixing in. If I hadn't known better, I would think it was the poison tutor's room.

But I could tell from the old lady at the end of the room that I was in the right place. I stepped around the broken glass and called out "Ma'am? Should I call for a servant to clean this up?"

When I reached the end of the room, I got a closer look at Mrs. Silvia. She was an old, old women with a face full of wrinkles and messy gray hair. Her gray eyes were glazed over and her skin was so pale that I could see her veins. "Ma'am?" I called out again, wondering if could even hear me.

"Yes dearie?" She said suddenly, causing me to yelp and jump back in fear, all while she was laughing.

"Oh my, get's them every time." Mrs. Silvia said as she continued to chuckle. I bristled, I could tell that I wasn't going to enjoy my time with her. I straighten my back and said

"Ma'am, I am going to call for a servant to clean up your mess."

"Hmm . . . no, don't do that."

"Uh, what? Do you wish to leave the mess here?" I asked

"Why of course not dearie, that would be a safety hazard. I want you to clean up the mess."

I stared at her in disbelief. Was she really expecting me to clean up all this mess up by my self? And possibly getting cut by all the glass?

"Ma'am, I don't think I am able to do that. I can not use my space manipulation magic yet." I said hoping that would get me out of it.

It didn't.

"Well I guess you'll have to use your hands then, now hurry up, you don't have all day." Mrs. Silvia said shooing me back to the mess.

I gulped. I would actually have to do it. But I survived worse than I few cuts. I drowned once, and was able to get though that. Even if "getting through" was by doing the day over again.

So I lifted my dress a little to make a basket to hold the glass shards, and started picking them up. But as soon as I did, I got a cut on the palm of my hand.

"Aw!" I cried out, jumping back.

"Does it hurt?" Mrs. Silvia asked, her voice sounding serious for once.

"Of course it does!" I snapped at her, but then quickly started to panic more. What if she told father that I was rude to hear? I couldn't tell him about cleaning up the glass, he would just say it was for my own good!

While I was crying, Mrs. Silvia came closer to me and held my hand that had the cut. I winced when she did, thinking it was a sort of punishment. She turned it around, my palm now facing towards us.

"I want you to focus on the cut. Can you feel it throbbing?" She said in a quite voice.

I nodded, not knowing what she was getting at.

"Good. Now breath in and out, and try to imagine the pain fading away. Your hand starts to feel fine again, and the cut will no longer be there."

I did as I was asked, and the cut started glowing with a pale white light. I gasped. My cut was growing smaller and smaller, and soon it disappeared completely, along with the pain and light.

I stared down at my hand in amazement. "Did I really just do that ?" I asked in a small voice.

"Of course you did sweet heart. Learning how to heal small wounds is the first lesson in healing magic." Mrs. Silvia said with a wink.

"But oh dearie, it seems our time is up for the day. Oh how the time goes by." She said as she walked me towards the door and shoved me out side.

"Oh, and on your way to your next class, could you go tell a servant to help clean this up for me? Bye Bye dearie." Mrs. Silvia said before slamming the door in my face.

I stood there for a moment, think about what just occurred. But I soon snapped out of it. Mason Winceforce, from what I remember from the game, was not a very patient person. But before I went to his room, I asked for a servant to head to Mrs. Silvia's.

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