💖chapter thirty eight💖

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I looked up from where I was squatting beside Kim, "Are you expecting someone?", I asked randomly. They all shook their head negatively.

Seconds later, we heard the knock again. "Oookay. I will check who that is", Amber sighed, excusing herself.

"Oh my God", she gasped immediately she opened the door like she just saw a ghost. She closed the door and turned around with her big eyeballs wide opened. "What is it? Who's there?", I asked standing up.

"Babe, are you okay?", Troy asked, walking close to her. He slightly pushed her aside and opened the door. There, he stood like a status. "Who is it?", I asked.

We watched him say few words to the person at the door before he opened the door wide for him/her to get in.

Shocked at the image standing before me, I gasped under my breathe, "Raymond!"

My parents, uncle and Amber's parents just sat down while Kim looked so confused. "Mommy", she tapped my thigh, bringing back to earth.

I know I've been anticipating for him to come back but I have never planned for it to be this way. Not like this at all. He opened his mouth to speak but no sound or word came out from it.

"What do you want, Ray?", I summoned the boldness to speak.

He looked blank. I presume he's still searching for the perfect words or sentences to use. Omg, this guy will ruin my daughter's birthday gathering. I'm badly getting impatient right now and he's just here, standing like a log of wood.

"Can you please say what brought you here and safe us the rest of the day because our daughter has a party to enjoy", I said in one rush, mistakenly spilling the identity of Kim to him.

"Our daughter!", he repeated with his eyes on her. "Uhm, did I say 'our'? No no.  I meant my daughter and her father will soon be here. You wouldn't want to meet him because he's really a jealous man", I added, trying all possible way to removed the impression he has already.

Omg, this heart should stop beating this fast otherwise I will be caught here. "So, what brought you here Raymond?", I sighed acting all bold and courageous, deep inside me all I wanted was to hug him. Yeah! I know the reason he left but not the reason he cut off all means of communication from me. But I guess I have to face him one day, and ask him why. That day is today.

"Can I..talk to you outside, please",

"Why?", I asked as tears flowed from my eyes.

"Because I really want us to talk", he replied, not answering my question. Only if he knew what my 'why' meant.

Kim was taken by my mom to her former room, while the others followed leaving the four of us to settle the issue.

"Dude, you fucked up. You just vanished without a word or a note. What really happened because unlike Monica, I really want to hit you hard on the face", Troy said to him looking really pissed, Amber trying to calm him down.

"Guys, I'm sorry. I really didn't plan for any of this to happen, believe me", He blunted out. "And of all days to come show your sorry face, you chose today to ruin my daughter's birthday", I spat out with venom.

"Babe, I'm s... "

"Don't you ever call me your babe", I yelled."You don't deserve a girl like me".

"Okay fine. I'm to be blamed for everything. I wasn't man enough to stand up to my father, but I am now. I want to make things rights, I want to correct my mistakes. To you Monica, and both of you", he said pointing to Amber and troy who were already holding hands. "But since you are married, I will leave. I don't want to be a barrier in your marriage. But before I go, all I want is to explain things to you so we'll be cool. I really feel bad for everything, for leaving the way I did. Please hear me out".

"Babes, let's hear what he has to say", Amber pleaded.

We all sat down calmly, thanks to Amber who intervened.

"The day you came to see me and my father saw you..", he started off, "after he yelled at you to leave. We had some argument and there, he told me I was going to New York to school. My mother supported him for reasons she explained to me later on. That moment, I wanted to call you but he grabbed my phone and smashed it to the wall".

"I'm sorry about that. But still, you should ha... ", I interrupted his story but was cut off by Amber. "Babes, let him talk".

"I wanted to get a new one from the store but he stopped me and declared I wasn't gonna use any gadget till I leave for the states. He also seized my laptop and every other gadget I had. I thought that would be all, but I was wrong. He made sure I didn't use any gadget till I finished school nor was I able to log into any social media. I lost all my contacts and everything, so I started a new life over there. I graduated last year but decided to work and warm some cash before coming down here. Even while I was schooling, I saved most of my allowance. I wanted to be loaded before coming back, I didn't want him use my inheritance to get me again".

"Guys, believe me. I didn't plan for this to happen but I'm deeply sorry", he explained. After everything he said, we all felt sorry for him. He was hurting but we were insensitive to even feel it.

Everywhere was quiet until Troy broke the silence, "Sorry dude, didn't know you passed through all these", he said.

wishedsighed, resting her back fully on the couch before she spoke out, "I understand where you are coming from, Ray. You tried your best and I get it. Only if you knew what Monica passed through when you left, I'm sure you will hate both yourself and your father for taking such decision".

"I know. That's why I'm here to make things right but since she's married, I guess I'm too late for that", he said, looking so depressed.

"I'm not married.. ", I really don't know what pushed me to talk but it was to late to go back now. "In as much as I want to hate you and deprive you from our daughter, I just can't. Everyday I pray for you to come back and give a good explanation why you left without looking back. But here, my prayer has been answered, yet it seems I'm just not ready for it yet", I cried out.

He knelt down on his left knee close to me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry babe. I will do anything and everything to make thing work between us again", he said stroking my hair backward like he used to 5years ago.

Separating himself from me, he asked, "Did you just say our daughter?"

I sniffed, "yes. Kim is yours. Remember that same day I came to your house, I told you I wanted us to discuss about something",

"Yes, I know but you weren't able to say anything because my father came in that moment.. ", he stopped, "Oooh no. Baby, I'm so sorry", he lean on my thighs pleading.

It took about 2hours to settle everything. Yes, I forgive him but that doesn't mean I will throw myself at him just like that. He will have to gain my love and respect all over again. Troy and Amber also forgave him. For all we know, it wasn't all his fault.

"Finally, my angel will have a complete family like she wished for hours ago", I thought as myself, Raymond and Kim stood behind her cakes to take a picture. And the celebration continued. I could see how happy Kim was playing with her father. Indeed, kids are like angels. Full of love and innocence, no hate or grudge.

If this is how wishes are granted in just a second, then I wish to have a happy family.

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