Chapter 31

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"Stop here!" Liam instructed. I followed his command and came to a halting stop.

"We reached."

Liam got off my fur and I mind linked, 'Liam, by any means necessary, stay behind this tree alright!'

Lima nodded and I turned my head to the female wolves looked towards me, as if asking what they would do now. I let out a loud howl, before charging into the battle, women following.

As soon as I stepped into the scene, I ran, trying to find Hunter. I needed to tell him as soon as possible.

After a few minutes, I spotted him in his wolf form, attacking three wolves at once. However, he didn't notice the other wolf coming from behind him.

As soon as it was ready to pounce, I pushed it away, causing it's back to slam against the tree.

'What are you doing here!'

'Saving your butt!'

I ripped off the other wolf's throat as Hunter dealt with the others beginning to surround us.

'Emma! What are you doing here!'

'The bottle isn't dark magic, it's a siren's curse. It's harmless on vampires.'

'What, but how—'

'Dark magic can't be contained, Liam was reading around our library.' I mind linked as I kicked the two wolves with my hind legs.

'How are we going to kill Jerry?' He asked as he ripped the throat of two other wolves.

'There is another thing that could kill a vampire, a white wolf.'

Hunter stopped fighting and turned towards me, his eyes shining between gray and brown.

'Emma, I—'

'I am going to kill Jerry Hunter, I have to. I am the only wolf who can.'


'Don't even try to convince me not to, or even send me back to the pack.'

'Good luck'

'Wait, what?'

'Go! Before I regret it!'

'Where is Jerry?'

'He's fighting against Dylan, Darrius and Jack.'

I turned around and began running, using my amazing sense of smell to guide me. After a while of running, I could feel blood dripping from my fur. I hadn't realized I had gotten a scratch.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look to find my once Snow White-coloured fur to be turned into a mixture of red and white.

I turned my face quickly, not wanting to see my own blood anymore when I spotted Darrius, Dylan Jack, all in their wolf forms, fighting against Jerry who looked a bit different.

His hair was darker than usual and he had fangs growing out from his teeth. I could see Dylan, Darrius and Jack were struggling so I race out to help.

"Lookie here," Jerry giggled, "someone is planning to join our party."

'Emma! What are you doing here!'

'The bottle isn't dark magic, it's a siren's curse. It's harmless on vampires.'


'No time to explain. A white wolf can kill a vampire so you guys just have to get me close to him.'

The three men nodded and turned towards Jerry, snarling their teeth out. Meanwhile, the vampire, who must be a bit delusional, started laughing like a mad man.

"You guys are so cute, thinking that you'll be able to come close to me."


"Yes," he said reading our minds, "I can mind-link and hear others mind links without their knowledge. After taking the blood of a white wolf in the past and an alpha blooded," he said as he giggled in Jack's direction, "I have the blood of an alpha and a white wolf,  two of the strongest wolves in the world!"

'Taking the blood from an alpha? That's idiotic.'

Jerry turned to me, smiling maniacally and said, "Dear, what else has this.... 'Liam' told you about?"

"Has he told you about the fact that every vampire has abilities? Has he told you about the fact that I have the ability to drain out other people's ranks in blood? Or has he told you about the fact that I am a descendant from one of the most prestigious clans in all the vampire race? No, I guess you have a lot to learn about me!"

T-This guy, h-he's crazy

What was I thinking, I can never be able to kill this guy. He-He's so strong.

I thought this is what I wanted, to go out and fight with my pack, but my legs are frozen.

What if I die?

It's over then, everyone's depending on me, I'm the only one who can kill Jerry.

I don't want to die though, I don't want this day to be the last day I see the world.

I want to see my pack members, I want to see the pups again, I want to see Lillian, Harold, Luna Pearl, and everyone again.

I want to meet Amy's future child, I want to win the bet. I want to have children in the future, wIth Hunter in our own home. I want to visit mom and dad's grave, I still have so much I want to see and do, is it really worth to die now?

Should I run?

What are you doing?

Who are you?

That's not important right now. What are you doing? I made you a white wolf for a reason, it's your destiny to fight alongside your pack.

What if-What if I die?

Would you rather die saving yourself, or die saving your entire pack?

My pack.

Then why aren't you?

Why aren't you?

Why aren't I?

"Get ready to say goodbye, white wolf!" Jerry yelled as he pounced on me. I fell to the ground, my back hitting the ground. I let out a small yelp as I felt the pain of my back.

Taking my pain towards his advantage, he wrapped his hand around my neck and began choking me. I started waving my paws everywhere, landing a few scratches on him.

He growled before he began squeezing harder. I felt the world turn dark and right before I had blackout, I heard a familiar voice yell out, "EMMA!" before feeling the weight on top of me being lifted.

I'm sorry whoever you are, I failed.

The Alpha's White Wolf {Editing} Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora