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I looked up at the flaking ceiling above my bed with nothing in particular running through my head. My greatest concern in this moment was each individual paint flake and how close they were from falling. I should probably have some concerns, considering I just broke up with my girlfriend, but that didn't really cross my mind. Relationships never last anyway, let alone the ones you form in school.

I rolled over onto my side and looked over at the open window, the cool breeze flowing through the room. I liked to keep my window open like that, especially when I slept, finding comfort in the chilly night air. I use the term 'slept' loosely; I don't do much of that these days. Speaking of which, the angry red clock numbers on my bedside table say it's almost three in the morning.

Another strong cool breeze swept through the room and I kicked off the covers, heading to the window to admire the view. Looking out, the world seemed still. There was no hustle and bustle of neighbours or cars, just sounds from the natural world. I saw a shadow in the tree line at the end of the garden, moving quickly. I smiled, probably my neighbour's cat again. He's a bit timid. He's not really a people person, but he likes to say hello sometimes.

I felt like going for a walk since it was so nice out. I did this a lot when I couldn't sleep, it usually calms me down and tires me out a bit more. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It was worth a try tonight. I would use the font door to sneak out, but obviously I don't want to be hung, drawn and quartered by my mum (who has work in the morning). So, I grabbed a jacket and slipped on shoes, before climbing up onto my window ledge, knocking over a can of whatever as I did and leaving a puddle on my windowsill.

I looked all around once again, admiring the view. Everything was so calm, the shadows of small furry animals moving through the night being the only since the the earth wasn't frozen still. The streets were empty, lined with parked cars and lit street lamps, but free of people. I could see woods for as far as the eye could see at the end of the garden, the tops of the trees peaking out in the horizon. It was quite relaxing out there and I often felt drawn to a walk around the forest trails. However, I'm not quite dumb enough to stalk the woods at night, so I settle for the park instead.

I began my routine of shimmying across the window ledge, balancing along the roof and sliding down the drain pipe at the edge of the garage. I had done this a million times, so I was practically an expert at it by now.

Feet finally on solid ground, I set off walking down the dimly lit streets. I plugged in my earphones and nodded my head along to music as I grooved down street after street, just enjoying the night. I found myself at the edge of the forrest, stood at the tree line, and I could see the outline of what looked like a large deer, seemingly looking right at me.

This town was full of wildlife- due to it bordering a massive forest. That's why I love this town so much. Ever since I was a child, I had loved animals and at the young age of eleven, I had demanded to go vegetarian because the deer in the garden were 'cute'. I waved at the deer, before moving on down the tree line path.

I strolled towards the rusting kids park that sat on the forrest edge, spotting Mike and Mick in their usual spot on the swings. They nodded at me when they saw me coming and I did the same, settling down in my spot on the slide. The cool metal cooled what skin I had exposed and soothed the stress from earlier's catastrophe breakup. Mike and Mick were twins, sort of annoying and one-track minded, but- as you can imagine- not many other people are up at three in the morning. Company's company as far as I'm concerned.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Cam." Mick greeted me, taking a long puff from a cigarette.

"Where have you been?" Mike took his own drag of the same cigarette, barely glancing at me for even a second.

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