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Driving back to the pack, I'm pretty sure Xavier broke more road laws than I could count on both hands. It was slightly terrifying, but I was more afraid of what we were driving towards. Xavier had said Noah had only uttered the words 'rogues on perimeter' before Xavier had hung up, racing out of the diner. His explanation was that he couldn't waste a single second, but surely he could have listened a little longer? 

Heading towards the unknown was nerve wracking. 

Xavier's whole body was tense and his focus was only on one thing: speed. Knowing Xavier, he probably had some kind of in with the traffic enforcers anyway, so he wouldn't see the consequences of his speeding, but I was still scared of crashing. Deep down, however, I knew that Xavier was completely in control. After all, his reaction times were supernaturally good. 

We finally pulled up to the pack gates and he slammed his brakes on, jumping out of the car. I scrambled to undo my seatbelt, but before I could even get out of the car he was long gone. He shifted quicker than I had ever seen it happen before, shredding his clothes as he leapt into the air. In a blink of an eye, he had run off into the distance. 

I sat there, unsure of what the hell to do. I sure as hell wasn't running after him if there were rogues out there, but was I supposed to just stay here? 

"Cameron?" A voice called, tapping on the glass at the car window. 

While I had been staring into the distance where Xavier had disappeared to, the gates had crept open and Gracie had appeared. She gestured for me to get out of the car and I did as she said, my eyes widening at what I saw. In just three weeks, she had gotten so much bigger. 

"Are you about to pop?" I muttered, eyeing the bump warily.

"Not long now." She beamed, "No time for chit chat, unfortunately. Let's get you inside... Can you drive?" 

I simply shook my head. Xavier hadn't had the chance to teach me yet, so I was pretty clueless. 

"Now's as good of a time as any to learn, I guess." She giggled, "I'm certainly not driving that thing- Xavier would kill me if I scratched it. Well, hurry up! No time to lose; I'm pregnant and in no mood to see Jude."

I scrambled into the drivers seat, nervously adjusting how close to the steering wheel I was- I could only dream of having legs as long as Xavier, after all. Gracie took a while to climb into the car, but she made it in eventually. 

"Okay, pull down that lever to drive and press the accelerator with your right foot; It's literally as easy as that in Xavier's car because it's an automatic." Gracie explained, "It's barely even driving. You don't have to worry about shifting gears ,or a clutch, or anything."

I did as she said and the car began to move, making my stomach flip with nervousness. This was such an expensive car that I was scared of scratching it. Gracie was right that Xavier wouldn't kill me if I did, but I still didn't want to hurt his pride and joy.

"They were circling the perimeter, trying to find ways in." Gracie explained, "Take a left here... I'm taking you to the pack house for an emergency meeting. Xavier will join us as soon as he and a few others have chased them away. It might not sound like a lot, but this is closer than any rogue has dared to come before."

Not knowing what to think about the whole situation and trying to concentrate on not crashing the expensive car, I simply nodded at what Gracie told me. My mind was whizzing with scenarios where Xavier was hurt or worse, killing me with worry as I drove. I was only travelling at roughly ten miles per hour, but it was still hard to concentrate on the road.

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