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"Are you sure you want to train today?" Xavier frowned, offering me his hand to help me off of the forest floor.

"I'm sure." I nodded, dusting the dry mud and leaves off of my legs. 

We had been training every day for the last week because more and more time was going past without any sign of Jude or his friends to be seen. You would think that Jude being quiet would be a good thing, but it was setting us all on edge because we knew it wouldn't last long. 

As a result of our training, the bruises on my body were growing. I felt much more capable in my ability, but I must admit I was quite sore. When you're up against a werewolf, you tend to get thrown around like a rag doll and you just have to learn how to take it in your stride. 

"At least take a ten minute break, baby." Xavier pleaded, looking at me with concern.

I sighed, nodding to agree to a break and falling to the ground again in exhaustion. I had done nothing but work my ass off this week, so a break was a big deal for me (and much needed).

Xavier silently handed me some water and I downed it all, devouring the cool liquid like it was the elixir of life. Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I looked up at Xavier with a grateful smile.

"Since we're on a break, could we talk for a second?" I requested, my stomach twisting with nervousness. 

"Sure, what about?" Xavier dropped to the ground, sitting beside me and giving me his full attention.

"When you and Noah were sorting out the rogues at the border, I had a chat with Gracie and she told me more about marking your mate." I began cautiously, "Could you tell me more about the actual process? She said it helped a lot with her nerves about being separated from her mate and I was really struggling with that- not knowing whether you're okay or not, I mean." 

Xavier made sure to listen tentatively to what I had to say, taking ahold of my hand so that we both had a bit of comfort from the tingles. He was debating what to say in his head before he came out with it, so it took a while for him to respond.

"Mating is when you have sex for the first time, Cam..." Xavier finally managed to get out, shocking me. 

"Oh." Was the only thing I could get out, my cheeks slowly turning red.

I'm not sure what I had expected mating to involve, but it wasn't that- some kind of ritual involving the moon goddess, maybe. The atmosphere was beyond awkward now. It had been a while since Xavier and I had shared an awkward moment, so it was sort of a throwback to the start of our relationship.

"I'm sorry that everyone keeps bringing it up." Xavier sighed, "I know we're trying to take things at our own pace, so don't let any of this pressure you. Not Jude, not my parents, not Noah and Gracie. I want to do this when we're ready- not for convenience because Jude's a prick and it would make things easier."

I took a moment to myself to think about what he said. Regardless of how I felt about not knowing whether Xavier was safe or not, Xavier was right about us needing to take things at our own pace. 

"What if taking it slow comes back to bite us in the ass?" I sighed.

"What if rushing things comes back to bite us in the ass?" Xavier retaliated, "We could make up a hundred 'what if' questions, but I'd be happier if we didn't let Jude and pack issues effect our relationship. You're special and I want you to feel special and ready when it happens." 

I groaned, falling backwards on the grass with my head in my hands. Why was everything so complicated? The hatred I had for Jude only intensified with each passing day as more reasons to hate him were presented to me. 

Lure To The WoodsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon