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The gang had left just before my mum was due home, heading their separate ways. The next few hours were spent playing video games, keeping my mind off of how that idiot's voice made me feel. It scared me, feeling such immensely strong emotions. I wasn't used to it and it was making me feel queasy every time I thought about him.

I grabbed my fags, heading to the window. I swung it open, letting the cool air hit my face. It felt really good, since I had been cooped up in my room all day and it smelt like stale cigarette smoke. Climbing up onto the window sill, I took my usual space. I knew Xavier wasn't there, because I couldn't feel him.

I peered into the darkness, spotting a shadowy figure in the tree line. My heart stopped. I knew it wasn't Xavier, so who the fuck was in my garden. I fell backwards, scrambling to shut the window and sitting up against the wall, panting. Who the hell was that?

I grabbed my phone, quickly dialling Xavier's number.

"Hello?" He answered quickly, his voice sharp.

"Xavier, there's somebody in my garden." I panicked, accidentally using his name.

I cursed mentally, regretting that, but I had bigger problems right now- there was a strange man in my garden. I peered through the window, watching him pace back and forth in the tree line. He looked pretty scary and a lot older than Xavier from what I could see. I really should install a light at the back of the garden.

"Cameron?" His voice softened, "It's okay. Don't panic, I'll be right there."

He hung up at that. I prayed he was close by, because that guy was scarily buff. If he decided to use his body as a ramming baton on the backdoor, I'm not sure it would hold for very long. His eyes flitted to the window and I ducked, hiding.

I buried my head in my knees, waiting for it all to be over.

It wasn't long until I felt him nearby, the feeling growing strong and stronger until there was a soft knock at my window, surprising me. I cautiously raised my head, glancing at the window above me. There stood the familiar masked face I knew. He was so close, I could make out a lot more than I usually could. He didn't have very much hair, sporting a jet black buzzcut. I liked it.

He made a phone gesture with his hand and I nodded, wide eyed. He was so close. I scrambled to pick up my abandoned phone, calling him. He answered straight away, per usual.

"Shall I back up? I can go to the end of the garden." He offered, his voice very soothing.

I sighed deeply, relaxing. He had gotten here in mere minutes. I rose to my feet shakily, taking tentative steps towards the window. Looking out, the guy was long gone. Xavier was only a few inches away from me, separated by a layer of glass. I looked into his eyes, feeling my legs go to jelly. I could barely see them through the mask, but they were intense and settled right on me.

I rested my hand against the glass, wanting to open the window, despite my better judgment. My mind was in a constant battle with my heart whenever I was near Xavier. It was like I was naturally drawn to him. He settled his bare hand on the other side of the glass, making my heart skip a beat. Usually it was gloved, but he had clearly gotten ready in a rush.

My feelings went into overdrive, freaking me out. I gasped, clutching my chest and taking a step away.

"Cameron? Are you okay? I'll back up- one second." He rushed, his voice coming through the phone, despite me being able to hear him slightly through the glass.

He jumped, alarming me. I rushed forwards, trying to see if he was okay. I couldn't see him, so I flung the window open to get a better look. He had landed perfectly, on both feet with his knees bent- he didn't even stumble. He backed up, looking up at me.

Lure To The WoodsWhere stories live. Discover now