Read my latest announcements 6-12-14

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As WP has destroyed the status bar, I am inventing a new one with this book. It does the same as the original STATUS BAR did (sent to read feed if I make a comment, sent to followers' email if I publish, appears on my board, etc) but there's more room for a longer message.

True you're playing into their hands by spending more time than you'd like on WP by faffing with this, but you can write stuff offline in a text doc like notepad and just paste it in later, b4 getting on with the important things in life.

My latest announcements are arranged in order of date, chapter by chapter, using WP's fiddly drag 'n' drop function.

This initial idea was conceived by


I'm just developing it further. With your help.

Tell me what you think.



You can also delete comments if they are pushing your original status message down, like this:

1. Highlight and copy your original Status Message (use browser menu>edit>copy as right-click>copy doesn't always work).

2. Paste the Status Message into the empty comment box at the top.

3. Once it's pasted, delete the original.


If you send (4) b4 deleting the original (3) WP won't let you, because you're duplicating a message.

If you want to share links to websites with your readers, also paste them into your comments box. They won't work in your text because WP makes the text inaccessible nowadays.

My new Status BarWhere stories live. Discover now