Chapter 54

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Chapter Fifty Four

I open the door to see Cole standing there with a charming smile, "You texted me, I came. It's easy as that. You should do it more often."

He walks inside and starts looking around the house like he hasn't seen it in ages.

"I love what you've done with the place. Did you get new curtains?"

I sigh in annoyance, "No."

His eyes continue roaming the room until they land on Trace. He's leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, showcasing his muscular arms.

"Why is he here?" Cole questions.

Trace kicks off the wall and strides over to me until he's in front of Cole, "Oh, you thought it'd just be you and Emma? Well sorry buddy but you lost that privilege." the change in his tone tells me he isn't sorry the slightest.

Before yelling erupts or people, meaning Cole, start leaving with hurt feelings I decide to urge this conversation to the couch.

The three of us sit around the livingroom. I sit on the couch, Cole is about to sit beside me but Trace glares at him. Cole rolls his eyes, but changes direction to the recliner adjacent to us.

Trace sits as close to me as he can without being on my lap. I guess it's a way of proving to Cole that he's got me now and that he won't let anyone hurt me. The jealous gesture makes me feel happy, but I push those feelings aside to get down to business.

I turn to address Cole, "Do you know a man named Liam?"

He shrugs, "I know a lot of people. Describe him. Does he have a nice ass?"

"Is this a joke to you?" Trace interrupts, building on rage the longer he has to look at Cole.

He shrugs again, "Anything can be a joke with the right sense of humor."

Trace opens his mouth to retort on that. Before he has the chance to speak I place a hand on his thigh. He tenses at first, but relaxes a few seconds later.

Cole's eyes narrow in on my hand and he purses his lips but stays silent.

"If you've seen Liam you would know. He'd stand out to you." I watch Cole's face, trying to capture any kind of reaction.


"Do you have any idea who I'm talking about?" I question again, watching him intently. If he were to lie then I'd know, but right now he seems to be telling the truth.

"Quite frankly, I'm confused."

Oh me.

Why does everything always have to be so complicated with him?

"Then let me sum things up. For the past few weeks Trace and I have been on the verge of death because there's someone out there who wants him dead. I almost got hit by a car, and his house burned down with us inside. We went and talked to a man named Liam who we later found out is brothers with Cameron. Liam spoke as if his brother was the one guilty of our harm, but I know Cameron better than that and it's not him.

"So I ask again, do you know a man named Liam?"

He shifts his eyes back and forth between Trace and I.

"Nope," he stands up, "but I'm going to get some water. When I agreed to come over I never thought I'd be getting interrogated."

He walks out of the room.

He's telling the truth when he says he doesn't know who Liam is. But if he doesn't know Liam then that means Liam can't know him, right? Maybe they're cousins who lived together and Cole just forgot?

Together We FallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora