Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty Two

The game only has Twenty seven seconds left!

Twenty six.

Twenty five.

Trace catches the ball.

Twenty one.

He takes off running, knocking down an opponent in the process.


Trace runs across the field, almost to the line marker.


A guy jumps at him but he dodges it.


He keeps running.

He's almost to the line.





A guy from the opposite team runs towards Trace, about to grab him.


He reaches out but misses as Trace slides past the line marker, football tight in his arms.


The buzzer sounds and the crowd goes wild. Everyone begins shouting and cheering as the bleachers merge their way onto the field.

"Let's go!" Josephine shouts at us, waving her hand to say come on.

She runs down the bleachers as we follow her. The first one we see is Ethan. Jospehine runs up and jumps into his arms, "You did so good out there!"

He hugs her back, relishing the feel of her in his arms.

Trace comes out of the bundle of people and his eyes find mine. His mouth curves up into a grin and I run up to him, "You won!"

He holds his arms out as I run up to him like a crazy person, jumping into his hold.

He doesn't seem to mind as he wraps his strong arms around my tiny body and squeezes gently.

He's sweaty from the game but for some reason I don't care. I just like the feeling of being in his arms.

I pull back to look at him and see a big smile covering his handsome face.

"I didn't think you'd know when we won. Every time I looked at you you seemed confused." he laughs lightly and I roll my eyes.

"Well I saw our school get excited so I was able to put two and two together."

He laughs and Mason comes out of the crowd.

I turn to look at him and when he see's me he runs up smiling.

"You came!" He says happily and pulls me into a hug.

My arms wrap around his large body and his head rests on the top of mine for a short moment before we pull back.

"You did good out there!" I tell him and he flashes me a dazzling smile.

"Not that she knew half of what was happening," Trace says and I punch his arm lightly, earning a fake wince from him.

Adalyn comes up and hugs Trace and Lucas gives Mason a 'bro' hug.

"We're going to go shower," Ethan says walking up with Cameron and everyone raises their eyebrows at him before he realizes what he said. His eyes widen and he holds his hands up, "not together! Separate showers, same time." he confirms and everyone laughs.

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