Chapter 70

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Chapter Seventy

"No, no way." Trace argues.

"But if you have a dinosaur in an ocean with sharks then of course the sharks will win."

He shakes his head, "Let's get down to the statistics of it before we make any final decisions. What kind of dinosaur is it?"

I ponder his question for a moment before answering, "Velociraptor."

"Okay, and how many sharks are we talking?"


He purses his lips, "I still think the dinosaur will win. Think about it, the velociraptor is going to claw the sharks up. A velociraptor can swim, right? Well actually that isn't important. He'd win either way."

"But if it's in the ocean with three sharks then they'll just take it's legs off. Nothing can swim without legs."

He straightens his spine, "But the sharks have to be dumb to see a dinosaur and think to take it on. Dumbass sharks don't stand a chance."

I chuckle before getting back into the serious character.

"The sharks will simply bite the velociraptor. He can't take three creatures swimming towards him at once."

"But velociraptors have those big ass claws on their second toes. He could just swivel around and attack."

I laugh loudly. He smiles.

It's the smile that tells me he doesn't think anything is funny, he's just happy because I'm laughing. My laugh alone is enough to make him smile.

"You're beautiful."

I blush at his words, causing him to smile wider. Luckily, he doesn't say anything about it.

We're sitting on my sofa just talking with one another. We've got our legs spread in front of us and our backs to the arms of the couch.

"Where have you been for the past two weeks? I've gone by your apartment, but you were never there."

He looks up at me grinning, "You went by my apartment?"


I meant to leave that part out, but now I'm exposed. He knows how creepy I am. But he doesn't seem to mind it at all. If anything, he's enjoying it.

"Yeah, but you were never there."

He scratches his nose, "Yeah I um," clears his throat, "I went to my old house for a little while."

I lean forward, confused now.

"The one you lived in with your mom and Dale?"

"That's the one."

I remember when Trace and I drove to California to see my dad at the hospital. His truck broke down so we were riding in an uber and we passed by his old neighborhood.

"But that's almost two hours away."

He shrugs, "I had nowhere else to be. Probation, remember."

Dylan and Olivia got out of school for summer before we did. They've been out for almost a month now. He didn't have to go to school or take them anywhere so I guess he could've stayed wherever he wanted.

Going back to his old house just doesn't make sense to me though. He's got so many bad memories there. Why would he want to go back?

"What made you want to go back there? I thought you hated it."

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