Chapter 67

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Chapter Sixty Seven

"That's not what I'm saying."

"Then explain it to me," Adalyn challenges, daring her boyfriend to continue.

He sighs, "I just think that asking me what color you should get your nails is pointless. You're still going to get the one you want despite what I say."

The rest of us sit around the table, laughing to only ourselves as they have this amusing argument.

"Oh, don't start with me." she shakes her head, "You'll say 'huh' at everything but hear and know what kind of car went "vroom" ten miles away."

I choke on my drink.

"You owe me your opinions even if I don't use them." she says, leaving no room for argument.

Lucas smiles at the boys, then down to his girlfriend, "I think you should get blue. It'll bring out your eyes."

Her eyes are brown. He knows that. He's being a smartass.

She smiles, nodding, "Actually though I think I'm going to get a pastel pink. It'll match the cap and gown better."

We've been at a pizza parlor for the past hour just talking. Everyone in our group is here except Trace... and Cameron but that's for the best.

I miss Trace but I've never had the chance to talk to him.

It's been almost two weeks since I saw him last and I'd give anything to just see him smiling back at me right now. He's never at his apartment, never attends school anymore. It's like he just left. But somehow I know it's not permanent. He'll come back. He always does.

"This is our last meal together as seniors." Josephine states with a sad smile.

Tomorrow, we graduate. Everything we've worked so hard all our life for falls into play tomorrow.

My dad got in from California last night to see me graduate. Laila is finishing online classes from her old school so she'll be mailed a diploma.

"So much has happened this past year." Erica says, everyone agrees.

"Just promise me we'll all stay in touch even after we graduate. I know we won't see each other every day anymore, but I still want you all in my life." Josephine smiles sweetly.

The reality of it is that after high school, people move away. Nobody has the same dreams and you can't let your friends hold you back from them. We'll all split ways eventually, but keeping in contact will have to be a priority.


"For sure, I can't lose you guys." Mason wraps his arms around Ethan and Josephine.

Tomorrow, we graduate. Tomorrow, things will change. Nothing is constant but sometimes change can be good. I'm definitely going to miss the memories I've made with this amazing group of people... and Trace. The boy who stole my heart and left without returning it.

It's still his and I don't want it back. If he won't take me back then I'll have to find a way to move on, as hard as that'll be I'll have to do it. But I'm not going to stop trying to have him until I believe he no longer wants me.

"Will Trace be able to walk tomorrow?" Adalyn asks Lucas quietly. But my ears perked up at that name so I know exactly what was said.

I don't waste a second in trying to get my answer, "Why would he not?"

Both of them turn to face me like deer caught in the headlights.

Lucas looks down awkwardly, runs a hand over his face in frustration.

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