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^^ Lolth ^^

Boss Discovered: Lolth, the Spider Queen.

There was no Level, no '!', no 'congratulations'. The game was driving home just how fucked we were, in my opinion, as the Spider Queen and Goddess of Shadows came into our vision. A beautiful Drow woman with long white hair in a glowing, flowing white silk dress, attached to a 30ft tall blue-furred thorax and four black and red bladed spider-legs, each about twice as long as the thorax. Her long white hair seemed to fade to blue, as it connected with the fur on her thorax and gave some essence of understanding to her size; she was not dwarfed by the massive spider's body, but was rather in-ratio as she descended slowly until she was about ninety feet above us, descending from a long string of silk.

Then she spoke, which I'd heard humanoid dungeon bosses did, but I hadn't expected this. "Well Hello... I haven't had visitors in quite a while; please do stay a while." She lazily flicked a finger at us, and all of the egg sacks burst open, releasing hundreds of the massive spiders to attack us.

I urged my slimes to hurry up their work, and then looked at Uric, still stealthed. 'Shoot the Butt-Rope!!!' -Samantha.

'WHY?!?' -Ureka!.

'Spider Queen's are notoriously weak to falling damage, because of how heavy they are; when they fall, their thorax's pop like water balloons and they die!!!' -Samantha.

He growled a few words in Russian, to my surprise, and then took aim upwards, firing above the Spider Queen with surprising accuracy; the arrow burned through about half of the rope with its Holy property, working towards burning the rest steadily.

The Queen looked up at the burning web slowly, then shook her head sadly. "Such Rude Guests..." she flicked her finger again, and the spiders that had been surrounding the Warriors redirected, instantly swarming at Uric. He started running and dodging them with impressive agility, shooting them as he ran in a feat of archery mastery that both impressed and surprised me.

Seeing she was properly distracted by watching the fight, I ordered another pair of my slimes, -the Sleep Slime and Catalyst Slime,- to activate Camouflage and Shadow-Stride, then head up over the spider queen while I sneakily tossed little catalyst potions at the enemies that were being burnt by the Mages. While my potions did only small amounts of damage, that damage output was multiplied by the presence of magic by at least five, which I made a point to remember while I focused on remaining unseen.

The slimes informed me that they were ready, so I had them drop down onto the thorax of the spider queen, the only place she couldn't reach them, and secrete both of their potions.

Resistance: 5% Chance of Sleep.
Resistance: 5% Chance of Sleep.
Resistance Failed: Stunned.

The spiders all froze, then began swarming towards the walls to get towards their Queen, who had a small Timer over her drowsy face that read '41...40...39'.

'Shoot the Silk!!!' -Samantha. I threw four vials or Greater Catalyst down under the giant spider-woman, then sprinted away as he complied.

Uric drew an arrow and shot without any hesitation, again weakening the rope; a second frayed it, while the third severed it completely; I called my Slimes back to me instantly and watched the Spider Queen smack into the ground from 90ft up, then violently catch fire when the Greater Catalysts shattered under her and touched her blood. Seeing this, the spiders on the ceiling made a horrifying chittering sound, then reversed their trajectory towards the floor, and their wounded Queen. She wasn't dead, to my annoyance, but her health was definitely damaged to about 15%, which was good enough for me; it'd taken about thirty seconds to set up, but taking 85% of a Bosses HP in one attack was pretty damned nice.

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